Helping Yourself

 "A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them."  John C. Maxwell

 "To help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on."  Dave Pelzer

"Help yourself, and Heaven will help you."  Jean De La Fontaine


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Helping Yourself Articles

Distraction Stops Us From Achieving Our Goals
Have you ever had a goal that you just couldn't seem to achieve? Maybe you've experienced distractions that stopped you from getting there. Trust me, I know the feeling. But don't worry, you're.......

The Importance of Asking for Help
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you desperately needed help but felt too embarrassed or ashamed to ask for it? I know I have, and it didn't end well. Let me tell you about it.......

It is Important To Expand Your Horizon
Are you feeling a bit stuck in life? Do you find yourself doing the same things day in and day out? It might be time to expand your horizons.  Expanding your horizons means trying new things, experiencing.......

Ways to Develop Your Intuition
Intuition is the ability to understand or know something without any conscious reasoning or logic. It's a valuable tool that can help us make better decisions, anticipate events, and identify opportunities that we might otherwise miss.......

You Are Stronger Than You Think
In life, we are often faced with challenges that can seem insurmountable. Whether it's a difficult project at work, a personal setback, or a global crisis, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. However, what we often forget.......

Life Most Important Things
Many people like me didn't realize this until you end up in a hospital. I was seeing one doctor after another searching for a cure. Nothing in this life made any sense to me; everything I have achieved seemed like nothing........

Best Life Long Advice Given To Me
We don't live alone around this world and there are people around me who had given some of the best life advice.  Many of the suggestions given about life are very simple. Start by getting the simple things right first is the magic key.......

Everything Around You Changes
The earth does not stop spinning and everything around you are changing daily.  Don't forget that our age also changes every year whether you like it or not.   As we experience and face setback and overcome them.......

Effects of Positive and Negative Thoughts
Human have thoughts and ideas which satisfy our mental desire.  Human thoughts can be classified into positive and negative.  Positive thoughts contain creative energy in our mind.  Negative are destructive.......

Finding Our Own Life Task
To many, finding your life task might not be easy as it does not always appear obvious to you what are your strength and passion you should focus on.  In such situation, you should focus on one or two things which you are inevitably.......

Choices Are The Root of Your Future Life
Have you ever sit down and think about the things that happened to your life? Whatever happened to you now is somehow related to the choices you had made previously.......

How To Get Drive And Motivation
Many of us have experienced feeling a little lacklustre about life sometimes and it is important for us to know how to get drive and motivation back as soon as possible. It is easy to put off things......

Jim Rohn Three Keys To Greatness
Many people knows and can feel the need deep inside to know what is success in life.  However, it is impossible for you to achieve greatness if you don't feel the heat in your heart and desire.......

How To Improve Yourself In Life
For those who are always seeking ways to improve yourself, they know that how to improve yourself in life is a journey that never end.  Improving yourself comes with the fulfillment as you realize.......

Why Can't I Succeed In Life
As long as you are not an Alien who lives on this planet, you are likely to encounter obstacle in your life.  Napoleon Hill says that obstacles are temporary defeats and problems are here to build up our characters.......

Thomas Edison's Formula for Success
Nobody trips over mountains.  It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.  Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.  So goes a famous adage.......

Believe You Can Succeed and You Will
Success means personal prosperity: a fine home, vacations, travel, new things, financial security, giving your children maximum advantages. Success means winning admiration, leadership, being looked up to by people.......

When Life Knocks You Down Get Back Up
Every day, many people around the world are encountering some hardships in their life. Their country economy could be in a recession. Their country currency could be losing its value. Their country unemployment.......

How Does Having a Positive Attitude Help
Just as the human body requires fuel in the form of food for energy, our brains require "thought food" to fuel the creation of our attitude. When we consumed food that is not nutritionally adequate for the needs.......

How to Improve Your Spiritual Health
If someone would to let you know that there is a way to improve your awareness and understanding of your spiritual beliefs, you would wish to know the way to do it, wouldn't you........

Can There Be Impossible Things To Do
Those stuff people frequently regarded as impossible things to do aren't usually the truth. There is certainly much more things possible compared to those that is not possible. It all depends on our mindset.......

Give Yourself A Break To Remain Motivated At Work
Whenever your enthusiasm is diminishing , you will find it hard to keep your focus during work.  If this happened, what can you do about it?  This happens when you find your mind wandering about and work efficiency.....

New Years Recipe
Take twelve whole months, Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate, and jealousy, Make them just as fresh and clean as possible.
 Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one different parts.......

Life Can Be Just As Simple
Living in our materialistic world make us forgot to appreciate the simple things in our life.  Gadgets that are invented to make our life simple seems to be making us live more complicate and busy every single day even after.......

Tell The Universe What You Want Firmly
The utmost important thing in making a difference to your life is to plan clearly and firmly what you want to achieve in life. The universe can only send opportunity towards your way but the miracles of life will remains.......

Staying Happy Forever Through Life
Feeling down or feeling sad again. Do you think that you have so many problems to think of that you don't have to time to think of your own happiness? If your answer is a yes, then you are really suffering from unhappiness.......

Moving Towards Thinking Positive
Adversities and challenges in life are part and parcels of our lives and instead of avoiding them one should confront them head on. Those who try to avoid such kind of situations of resistance in life are most likely.......

Dance Like No One's Watching
We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another.  Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are.  After that we're frustrated.......

Taking Steps To Be Happy
Very often our happiness is clouded by those negative stuff that either is not very obvious or unhappiness is allowed to fester by the person concerned avoiding admitting to themselves why they are not happy.......

Life Lessons from Jim Rohn
Try something to see if you can do it. Try to make a difference. Try to make some progress. Try to learn a new skill. Try your best. Give it every effort.  You have to stay from spring until harvest.....

WOW - The Response Always Works
Last spring I was walking in a park. A short distance ahead of me was a mom and her three-year-old daughter.  The little girl was holding on to a string that was attached to a helium balloon.......

The Seven Wonders of the World
Junior high school students in Chicago were studying the Seven Wonders of the World. At the end of the lesson, the students were asked to list what they considered to be the Seven Wonders of the World.......

3900 Saturdays
The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday morning. Perhaps it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either way, the first few hours.......

Wisdom of Wolves
The attitude of the wolf can be summed up simply: it is a constant visualization of success. The collective wisdom of wolves has been progressively programmed into their genetic makeup throughout.......

Imagine Life as a Game
Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.  They are Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you're keeping all of those in the air.  You will soon understand.....

Eat That Frog - Simple Secret to Stop Procrastination
The 80/20 Rule is one of the most helpful of all concepts of time and life management. It is also called the "Pareto Principle" after its founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who first wrote.......

The Different Motivators For People
Self-motivation is what drives people of all races and it serves as the lifeblood of individuals, the one that propels them to go on and on, never mind the hunger or the tiredness. However, not all people.......

The 45 Lessons Life Taught Me
When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.  Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion, today is special.....

The Strangest Secret
Well, it's pretty apparent, isn't it? And every person who discovered this believed (for a while) that he was the first one to work it out. We become what we think about.  Conversely, the person who has no goal.....

May You Be Blessed
It happened a few days after my father's death, in that mind-numbing period of adjustment after someone we love leaves us Having gone shopping for necessities for my trip back to my own home......

Decide Which Path You Wish To Take
Where you wish to go is where you are, whatever you end up doing, that's what you are doing, whatever you are thinking right now, that's what's on your mind, what has happened to you......

Never Quit The Road Of Life
When we walk The "road of life" that we each have to travel, it isn't one endless stretch of flat, paved expressway, but rather, is filled with curves, crests, valleys, detours, potholes and bumps. It is the unpredictability.......
Our Dreams Make Life Exciting
Getting What You Want Out Of Life

Moving Forward
Give Yourself a Chance To Move Forward

Burn Out
Are You Approaching Burnout

Overcoming Pessimism

Get More Time In Your Life

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