What are the most important
things in your life?
Many people like me didn’t realize this until you end up in a hospital. I was seeing one doctor after another searching for a cure. Nothing in this life made any sense to me; everything I have achieved seemed like nothing. After the experience, I woke up each morning very grateful that I saw a new day in good health. It has changed my diet and introduced more physically activity into my daily life. I am never ever going to take being healthy for granted. Health is the greatest gift in life and that is life most important things. "Everything
is super important until you fall SICK.
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Articles on Motivation:
We don't live alone around this world and there are people around me who had given some of the best life advice. Many of the suggestions given about life are very simple. Start by getting the simple things right first is the magic key....... The earth does not stop spinning and everything around you are changing daily. Don’t forget that our age also changes every year whether you like it or not. As we experience and face setback and overcome them....... To many, finding your life task might not be easy as it does not always appear obvious to you what are your strength and passion you should focus on. In such situation, you should focus on one or two things which you are inevitably....... | Site Map 1 | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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