To many, finding your life task might not be easy as it does not always appear obvious to you what are your strength and passion you should focus on. In such situation, you should focus on one or two things which you are inevitably good at to build up your self-confidence. Working at these skills, you will begin to learn the value of discipline and see the rewards you get from your own efforts. Strength and Confidence How To Boost Self Confidence? Like a lotus flower, your skills and experience will expand outward from a center of strength and confidence. You do not have to envy those who seem to be naturally gifted as it is often a curse because people with such gift rarely learn the value of diligence and focus of which they will have to pay for later in their life. Setbacks How To Stop Worrying So Much? In the event of any setbacks or difficulties that we may experience, it is generally wise to stick to the few things we know and do well so as to reestablish our confidence. Quotes A quote about finding our own life task by James Hillman: "Sooner or later something seems to call us onto a particular path. You may remember this "something" as a signal calling in childhood when an urge out of nowhere, a fascination, a peculiar turn of events struck like an annunciation: This is what I must do, this is what I've got to have. This is who I am...If not this vivid and sure, the call may have been more like gentle pushing in the stream in which you drifted unknowingly to a particular spot on the bank. Looking back, you sense that fate had a hand in it...A calling may be postponed, avoided, intermittently missed. It may also possess you completely. Whatever, eventually it will out. It makes its claim...Extraordinary people display calling most evidently. Perhaps that's why they fascinate. Perhaps, too they are extraordinary because their calling comes through so clearly and they are so loyal to it...Extraordinary people bear the better witness because they show what ordinary mortals simply can't. We seem to have less motivation and more distraction. Yet our destiny is driven by the same universal engine. Extraordinary people are not a different category; the workings of this engine in them are simply more transparent..." Conclusion Finding our own life task is your own responsibility. If you do not know your life task, you are very likely to drift in life aimlessly and many will end up wasting their time watching drama after drama or playing games to pass time. The earlier we know our life purpose, the earlier we can focus on acquiring the necessary skill and not waste our limited time on earth. Free Quotation
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