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Life Worth Living Articles

The Bitter Cup of Life: Embracing Challenges on the Journey Forward
Life, much like a cup of bitter coffee, presents us with both enjoyment and endurance. Embracing challenges as opportunities can transform suffering into growth and triumph.......

Ways To Live a Limitless Life
Have you ever paused to ponder the vast expanse of your potential? In a world often confined by boundaries and restrictions, it's refreshing to explore the avenues where we are truly limitless. So, buckle up as we embark.......

Ways To Make Your Life Easier
Let's kick things off with something we all know deep down but often neglect – sleep. Aim for a solid 7-8 hours every night. Your future self will thank you for it, trust me.  Who doesn't dream of making money while they sleep.......

Important Things We Must Learn About Life
Let's start with something that hits close to home for many of us: our careers. Ah yes, the ever-pressing need to climb the corporate ladder, earn those paychecks, and carve out our identities in the professional world.......

Unbeatable Predictors of Success in Life
Have you ever pondered over what sets the high-fliers apart from the rest of the pack? What are those secret ingredients that pave the way to triumph in this wild rollercoaster called life? Well, let me let you in on a little secret – there are two mighty.......

The Tale of Life's Unique Pathways
Today, I want to share a story—a tale that might just soothe those pangs of envy and anxiety that occasionally sneak up on us in this journey called life. There's a bustling town nestled amidst rolling hills, where time flows.......

Spending Too Much Time Alone Is Not Good For Your Brain
Have you ever felt the weight of loneliness weighing down on your shoulders? I certainly have. But what about the effects it has on your brain? That's not something that we often think about.......

Life is a Process of Experience
Life is a crazy journey full of ups and downs. We all have experiences that shape who we are and what we become. No matter what we face, whether it's good or bad, every experience we encounter contributes to our personal.......

Opportunity for Growth and Learning
The Benefits of Opportunity for Growth and Learning are manifold and far-reaching. One of the primary benefits is personal growth, which is attained by engaging in activities that challenge and push individuals out of their comfort zones.......

Being Joyous and Enthusiastic Every Day
Joy and enthusiasm are two of the most important emotions that we can experience in life. They are the driving force behind our happiness and success, and they can help us to achieve our goals and dreams.......

When We Face Setbacks It Is Easy To Become Negative
Setbacks are an inevitable part of life, and they can be incredibly challenging to deal with. Whether it's a personal or professional setback, it's easy to become negative and fall into a downward spiral of self-doubt.......

Keep Going Even When Things Get Tough
Persistence in the face of adversity is one of the most important traits that a person can possess. It is the ability to keep going even when things get tough, and to push through challenges and setbacks in order to achieve.......

Life Most Difficult Lesson
Life is a journey that is full of ups and downs. Throughout this journey, we face a lot of challenges, some of which are easy to overcome, while others can be incredibly difficult to handle. One of the most difficult lessons.......

Steps To Build Confidence in Life
Building confidence is an important part of life, as it helps us to take on challenging tasks, reach our goals, and ultimately create the life we want. Unfortunately, some people struggle with low self-confidence and find it difficult.......

Appreciate The Joy of Living
The joy of living is a complex and deeply personal experience that can take on many different forms for different individuals. It can be a sense of contentment and satisfaction with one's life, a feeling of connection to the world around.......

Lessons Learn From Reading 12 Rules for Life
One of the core messages of the book is that we are all responsible for our own lives. It is up to us to take control and make positive changes in our lives.  According to the book, happiness is a byproduct of living a meaningful life.......

Irreversible Things in Life
What are the irreversible things in life that you should do now?  I hope these pointers helps you to get started and you should modify or add your owns.  1. You should focus on one thing at a time. Sharpen your skills till you become a master and move on to the next.......

Life Most Important Things
Many people like me didn’t realize this until you end up in a hospital. I was seeing one doctor after another searching for a cure. Nothing in this life made any sense to me; everything I have achieved seemed like nothing........

Best Life Long Advice Given To Me
We don't live alone around this world and there are people around me who had given some of the best life advice.  Many of the suggestions given about life are very simple. Start by getting the simple things right first is the magic key.......

Finding Our Own Life Task
To many, finding your life task might not be easy as it does not always appear obvious to you what are your strength and passion you should focus on.  In such situation, you should focus on one or two things which you are inevitably.......

Choices Are The Root of Your Future Life
Have you ever sit down and think about the things that happened to your life? Whatever happened to you now is somehow related to the choices you had made previously.......

How To Improve Yourself In Life
For those who are always seeking ways to improve yourself, they know that how to improve yourself in life is a journey that never end.  Improving yourself comes with the fulfillment as you realize.......

Why Can't I Succeed In Life
As long as you are not an Alien who lives on this planet, you are likely to encounter obstacle in your life.  Napoleon Hill says that obstacles are temporary defeats and problems are here to build up our characters.......

When Life Knocks You Down Get Back Up
Every day, many people around the world are encountering some hardships in their life. Their country economy could be in a recession. Their country currency could be losing its value. Their country unemployment.......

Life Can Be Just As Simple
Living in our materialistic world make us forgot to appreciate the simple things in our life.  Gadgets that are invented to make our life simple seems to be making us live more complicate and busy every single day even after.......

Staying Happy Forever Through Life
Feeling down or feeling sad again. Do you think that you have so many problems to think of that you don't have to time to think of your own happiness? If your answer is a yes, then you are really suffering from unhappiness.......

Life Lessons from Jim Rohn
Try something to see if you can do it. Try to make a difference. Try to make some progress. Try to learn a new skill. Try your best. Give it every effort.  You have to stay from spring until harvest.....

Imagine Life as a Game
Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.  They are Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you're keeping all of those in the air.  You will soon understand.....

The 45 Lessons Life Taught Me
When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.  Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion, today is special.....

Never Quit The Road Of Life
When we walk The "road of life" that we each have to travel, it isn't one endless stretch of flat, paved expressway, but rather, is filled with curves, crests, valleys, detours, potholes and bumps. It is the unpredictability.......

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