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Motivational / Inspirational Articles

A Father Teaching His Son About The Value of Life
In a tender father-son moment, a young boy asks his father about the value of his life. The father responds by giving him a stone and instructing him to gauge its value at different places. At the market, the stone is offered only two dollars.......

A Story of Two Brothers Rise to Success
Success often blooms from the soil of adversity, where resilience and determination serve as the seeds of triumph. Within the rich tapestry of human endeavor, the story of two brothers emerges as a testament.......

Embracing the Journey: A Tale of Transformation
We follow the protagonist, Alex, as they break free from the monotony of their routine life in the city of Brooksville. Prompted by a friend's invitation, Alex embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure.......

Against the Winds of Doubt
These tales of perseverance remind us that the greatest achievements are often born from the crucible of adversity. They serve as inspiring examples of the power of human resilience and determination in the face of seemingly.......

10 Habits That Sabotage Cognitive Health
Unveil the silent threats to your cognitive well-being with this insightful exploration of 10 habits that can harm your brain. From the perils of sleep deprivation to the dangers of stress and dehydration, discover how seemingly innocuous behaviors.......

Quotation of Famous Author

Daniel Walter
The more you practice discipline, the stronger it becomes.  Discipline is the engine that drives success.  Self-discipline is the ability to control your thoughts and actions in order to achieve your goals.

Tommy Baker
The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be afraid to make mistakes.

Steve Magness
When our confidence is high, we are able to cope with the demands of the event. We can manage our fears and doubts, quiet the negative voices, and redirect our focus to the task at hand.

Ken Nelson
The most powerful learning occurs when participants are actively engaged in the process, not simply listening to a lecture

Thibaut Meurisse
Emotional intelligence is not about being nice; it's about being effective.

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Great Motivation Stories

The Butterfly Encounter
In life, we often encounter situations that seem to beckon us with irresistible allure. Yet, amidst the chaos and excitement, there lies wisdom in the art of patience. It's a lesson I learned one serene Friday morning on campus.......

A Tale of Self-Reliance
Before his passing, a wealthy wine-making merchant penned his will, leaving all his possessions to his eldest son. Alongside the inheritance, he left a note bearing a simple yet profound message.......

An 87 Year Old College Student Named Rose
The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know.  I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a wrinkled.......

Acres of Diamond - The Grass Is Greener At Your Side
There was a farmer in Africa who was happy and content. He was happy because he was content. He was content because he was happy. One day a wise man came to him and told him about the glory of diamonds.......

It Makes a Difference to This StarFish
There was a man taking a morning walk at or the beach. He saw that along with the morning tide came hundreds of starfish and when the tide receded, they were left behind and with the morning sun rays, they would die.......

Between You and Your Goals
When I read this quote, it make want to stop making excuses and press on with the goals which I have set and have not achieved it.  Yes, I must stop giving excuses, so I am writing this down on my stick it note.......

...more on Inspirational Stories

Wealth Attraction

The Timeless Wisdom of "The Richest Man in Babylon"
Discover the ageless financial principles from "The Richest Man in Babylon." Learn how to save, invest wisely, and build wealth with actionable strategies and insights.......

Money Lessons I Learned from My Frugal Parents
My parents were anything but frugal, but they loved us and did the best they could. Let me be clear in saying that my siblings and I had an amazing childhood, one in which we never felt poor even though we really were.......

Unveiling the Greatest Secret of Wealth
We all wonder about the secret to accumulating wealth, don't we? The truth is, it's not hidden in complicated formulas or exclusive strategies. Let me break it down for you in the simplest terms.......

The Ultimate Financial Hack: Nurturing Your Relationship
Today, I want to share with you the most remarkable discovery my wife and I stumbled upon in our journey towards financial freedom. It's not about stock market trends or the latest investment fad. No, it's something far more valuable.......

The Ultimate Path to Financial Freedom
Back in the day, I had it all planned out. Join the family business, expand, invest, and retire by 35. Simple, right? Wrong. The universe had other plans for me. I did join the family business, and I did invest, but the whole retiring-by-35 part.......

Creative Ways to Earn Non-Passive Income
Let's talk about that extra cash flow – the kind that doesn't just come knocking at your door while you lounge around in your pajamas. We're diving into the realm of non-passive income, where the hustle is real and the rewards.......

Most Effective Financial Advice You Never Knew You Needed
In the hustle and bustle of life, amid the cacophony of financial advice echoing from all corners, there's one piece of wisdom that seldom finds its way into the mainstream discourse. It's not handed down like a traditional family heirloom.......

... more on Wealth Conscious

PDF Motivation

Focus Your Mind For Success
When you use mind power to focus consistently on what you want, you will get it! It is just that simple. However many people fail to focus correctly and end up getting nowhere or even worse getting something they don't want.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
One of the reasons why many successful people in the world achieved extraordinary success is because they were able to think
differently, take risks and move out of their comfort zones.......

Staying Motivated At Work
To be constantly motivated at your job isn't always easy, but it can be done if you have the patience and discipline to make it
happen.  Think of the reason that drives you to do something.....

Follow Your Passion
You can only live in this world once and you should live it fully.  Following your life passion will keep you moving even when the going gets tough.

Never Be Discourage By Temporary Failure
Temporary failure may make us depressed and perhaps cause us to give up what we plan to do initially. When we confront with
such situation, what are the advisable things to do?

... more on PDF Motivation

Motivating Kids

Non-Judgmental Communication with Kids
Are you tired of feeling like you're not really connecting with your child when you communicate with them? Do you find that conflicts arise frequently, and it's hard to get your child to open up to you.......

When Children are Recognized for Their Accomplishments
When children are recognized for their accomplishments, it not only boosts their self-esteem but also helps them develop a sense of confidence and motivation to continue pursuing their goals. In this article, I will discuss the importance of recognizing children's.......

Steps to Improve my Kids Logical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
Developing logical thinking and problem-solving skills is crucial for children to succeed academically and in life. These skills enable children to analyze information, think critically, and make decisions based on sound reasoning.......

Positive Reinforcement is a Powerful Tool for Helping Children Develop their Self-Esteem
Positive reinforcement refers to a type of reward system that encourages desirable behaviors and attitudes. It is widely regarded as one of the most effective tools for helping children develop their self-esteem.......

Encourage Children to Engage in Regular Physical Activity
Physical activity is vital for everyone, especially children. It promotes healthy growth and development, enhances physical and mental health, and improves cognitive and academic performance. Encouraging children to engage.......

... more Kids Motivation

Healthy Body and Food


Habits of Super Healthy People
In a world filled with endless health advice and fad diets, the quest for optimal well-being can feel like navigating through a labyrinth. However, amidst the noise, there exists a group of individuals who seem to effortlessly radiate vitality and energy.......

Exercises for Staying Strong as we Age
Aging gracefully isn't just about counting years; it's about nurturing a vitality that transcends time. In this guide, we'll delve into the art of staying strong and attractive, inside and out. From the sturdy foundation of good posture.......

Mystery Behind Those Who Seem To Breeze Through The Day With Just One or Two Meals
You're sitting at your favorite cafe, sipping on a steamy latte, when suddenly you catch sight of someone gracefully gliding past, seemingly unfazed by the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pastries. How do they do it.......

The Myth of Fruits To Avoid At Night
It's late at night, and you're lounging on your couch, contemplating a snack. Your stomach grumbles, and your mind wanders to the fruit basket on your kitchen counter. But wait, haven't you heard somewhere that certain.......

Unlockig the Secrets of Youth
Let's embark on a journey through the fascinating world of ageless wonders – those individuals who seem to defy the very concept of aging. And what better way to kick off this exploration than with a.......

Physical Activity Throughout Life for Good Health and Longevity
As John grew older, his passion for sports flourished. He excelled on the soccer field, defied gravity on the basketball court, and swam with the grace of a dolphin. His dedication to his chosen pursuits was unwavering, and the exhilaration he felt during.......

What Types of Fruits, Vegetables for Healthy Skin
A healthy and balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables can help improve the health and appearance of your skin.  Here are some specific examples of fruits and vegetables.......

Is Eating Too Many Bananas Bad for You
Someone asked is eating too many bananas bad for you. This is because the person tend to eat around 2-3 bananas daily and was just wondering if there were any negative effects to doing so to one's heath.......

Preventing Bone Loss in Older Adults
One of best beneficial activities we could do for ourselves is a simple daily morning walk.  Walking not only strengthen our cardiovascular system but also help us capture the 'Sunshine Vitamin D'.  The benefit of vitamin D is that it aids calcium in building our bone density......

Decision Whether To Take Arthritis Medications
Every one of us are different and you ask your doctor questions about your medications which will help you feel more informed about the choices being made.

... more Staying Healthy

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