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Todd Mitche Quotes
"Everyone needs to start somewhere, and the best part
is—regardless of what you have done, not done, or wish you had done—you
can start moving in a new direction again, but this time, now."
"So the last thing I ever want to demonstrate to my children is cowardice when life gets stuck." "To take risks, to challenge ourselves, and to fully live the life we were meant to live." "Now is a great time to wake up and go get what we have always wanted out of life, because we have already mastered the part of life called procrastination, and it's killing our progress." "This fact remains constant: we will all die. And yet with limited time, instead of living a fulfilling and powerful life, we are a very depressed society." "Every invention, gadget, social change, and anything you currently watch on TV or video, is the direct result of a select few individuals who decided it was time to disrupt something they cared about and create a change in the world." "The same should be true for you. If you allow an amazing idea to flow into your mind, you need to write it down, plan it, and find a way to make it a reality." "Take the time to act as if it is working, and then go through all of the key parts; see if you can break your concept, and then figure out how to fix it."
"Even after the hail of negativity, I simply could not just quit on my dream and settle for a regular life. My motivation was far too strong to be swayed." "Even if you face a difficult journey, you do not need the approval of others to succeed or even to embark." "I know I would most likely not be where I am today, because the opinions of others can be stronger than your best ideas if you are steadily hit from all directions with the comments of naysayers." "Remember that we don't have unlimited time to waste on
distractions and negativity; we are not characters in a video
"Make your decisions count, and stop waiting on endless suggestions about what will work and not work in your life. What you do in your life is your choice. Everything is always your choice." "Now, many years later, I look back and realize that the moment when I didn't give up, I beat my own fear, and I quieted my negative critic on the side of the road, was the time I showed myself that nothing is impossible." "Let me remind you of the obvious: risk is all around you. Any idea you want to see come to fruition will be wrapped in risk. It's just a part of life." Written by Author : Todd Mitche
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Something that’s vital to achieving more success in your life is the opening up of your mind to the fact that you can do things that you might think are absolutely impossible. However, he was well aware that one of his strengths—one he had built through years of practice in music—was the simple skill of persisting at difficult tasks....... When you are truly passionate about something, you don't have to try hard to put attention on it. When challenges arises, they can't deter you. They may slow you down for a while, but they can't stop you. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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