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Barbara Oakley Quotes
"A “mindshift” is a deep change in life that occurs thanks
to learning."
"There’s good evidence that our abilities to be successful in any given area aren’t at all fixed." "However, he was well aware that one of his strengths—one he had built through years of practice in music—was the simple skill of persisting at difficult tasks." "Learning something new sometimes means stepping back to novice level. But it can be a thrilling adventure!" "Many ordinary and extraordinary people have made fantastic changes in their lives by keeping themselves open to learning." "Surprisingly often, capturing your thoughts and putting them onto paper can help you discover what you really think and help you take more effective action." ""Exercise is stronger than any medicine I could ever
prescribe,” Claudia’s psychiatrist had told her. Indeed, exercise
"More than that, exercise seems to improve our ability to form long-term memories, although we’re not sure precisely how it takes place. This, as it turns out, is a key aspect of the ability to learn. Thus, for aging brains in particular, exercise can perform the magic of a fairy godmother waving her wand." "You can learn more effectively, in other words, if you’ve got an exercise program going on. This means, if you’re serious about making a mental shift in your life, it can be invaluable to incorporate exercise into the picture." "Exercise is a powerful enhancement for any mental shift you want to make in your life. Commitment followed through with exercise has great benefits for learning and mood." "It is much easier to imitate than initiate action. So seek advice and follow directions. Adapt it to your own circumstances. Until you can lead, follow the person in front of you. Do what they do." "Spend as much time outside in nature as possible. The light will do you good, and you will encounter beautiful things like plants that breathe and rocks that are proud to be rocks." "Surround yourself with lovely little things that you can afford and that make your environment beautiful. Environment counts." "You never know who is going to be your friend, so act friendly to everyone unless there is a good reason not to. Learn people’s names." "How much my conscious effort is affecting my perception is not knowable to me. I choose to believe my actions do make a difference to my experience. Fun has become my spiritual path." "What positive steps could you take and what self-testing could you do to move to a new selfreinforcing cycle that begins pushing your mind to where you want it to be? What new behaviors could you immediately start to accomplish your mindshift? What do you need to do to “get off the couch and stand up”?" "Whatever you think you are, you are actually bigger than that—you can find a way to go beyond." Written by Author : Barbara Oakley
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When you are truly passionate about something, you don't have to try hard to put attention on it. When challenges arises, they can't deter you. They may slow you down for a while, but they can't stop you. What makes you an expert is that you took the time to learn these things and can teach them or practice them with someone who will benefit from your knowledge. Too many people spend all their energy working toward what they would “like to do,” when the real question should be “Who do you want to help?” | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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