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Stacey Wecksteins Quotes
"Finding your passion and realizing it is your career
purpose in life is an exhilarating feeling."
"There are no coincidences, only synchronicities that do not always make sense until the story has fully revealed itself." "Write out the things you liked to do and were good at in each of your jobs and schools." "Think back to your childhood about which hobbies and interests you gravitated toward." "Consider the types of things you find yourself interested in reading. This exercise will help you take stock of the things that really excite you and that you may want to share with others." "Your life story can reveal so much about what you love to do and how you go about doing it. By taking a deeper look at how you interact with the world and identifying your patterns, you can start to formulate which aspects of yourself will really shine through in your business." "Identifying what interests you and moves you, even if
it is not a skill you have currently, will be helpful in starting this
"Everyone finds their answers in different ways." "What is important is to remain open to discovering what it is you really love to do and to start to get more specific about how you love to do it." "The biggest mistake that entrepreneurs make is to fail to decide on a target market. They end up looking everywhere for clients and not getting many, because it is difficult to talk about the benefits of your services when you aren’t quite sure who you’re talking to and what their problem is that you could solve." "You certainly can be of service to anyone at any time, but having a focus can help your efforts be more precise and increase your sign-up rate." "There are things we are good at, and then there are places where we could use some help to focus on the things we are good at." "Getting curious about other people and what they really
want in their lives is a powerful way to tie my work into how I
"You have faced your fears and let go of what is no longer serving you." "One of the ways entrepreneurs fail is by going back to what they knew because it is more comfortable then growing into the unknown." "Starting up your own business has risk to it, but the
bigger risk is in not forging ahead and doing what it takes to be
"What makes you an expert is that you took the time to
learn these things and can teach them or practice them with
Written by Famous Author : Stacey Weckstein
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Too many people spend all their energy working toward what they would “like to do,” when the real question should be “Who do you want to help?” If you are to succeed in building trust, a person must feel your intentions are in his best interest throughout the conversation and beyond. Every human being has the capacity to consciously decide the result they want given the circumstances they face. We call this the capacity of intention. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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