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Marcia Reynolds Quotes
"The sudden solution, amazing truth, and profound understanding
that gave you no choice but to change your mind most likely came as a result
of a disruptive question and deep reflection initiated by someone else."
"When someone you trust adeptly challenges your reasoning and asks you the powerful question that breaks down your protective frame, your brain is forced to reorder data in your long-term memory." "If instead you believe the person you are with is capable
of seeing things differently and finding new solutions with
"When people face a surprising revelation about their behavior, they will pause and then react." "When you trust in people’s capabilities for learning and growth, why wouldn’t you want to help them rise above their current proficiency?" "When you are fully present, you are capable of perceiving what is occurring in yourself as well as in the person you are with." "If you are to succeed in building trust, a person must feel your intentions are in his best interest throughout the conversation and beyond." "If you are there to help a person think, you must be willing to let his thoughts have a life of their own." "Most people you encounter want to be free from their mental blocks and struggles. To reveal them to you, however, to allow you to explore their thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires, they have to fully trust you. You have to release your own attitudes, assumptions, and positions to allow the process to unfold." "Reflecting helps people witness their own thoughts at work when creating their stories." "Emotions are contagious. To create a safety bubble, you
choose to be curious and caring as you hold the positive
"The better you get at listening from your heart and gut
as well as your head, the better you will know what the person
"For a change to be genuine and lasting, the person needs
to want to improve because it is the right thing to do, not
"Accepting the past is over is an emotional process." "Be firm and compassionate when helping people see they are holding on to mere memories." "Remember—all career and life transitions are gradual processes, not instantaneous events." "The best you can do is to keep the focus on the desired outcome in the future." Written by Famous Author : Marcia Reynolds
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The creativity that you gain in learning a skill so deeply must be constantly refreshed, as you keep forcing your mind back to a state of openness. If you are serious about what you are doing then you should not be shy about it because you never know where it will take you. If you keep quiet and don’t engage I can almost guarantee you that nothing amazing will happen. If you open up about what you love to do in an honest way then you are likely to get back the same honesty and enthusiasm. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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