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Nicholas Haralambous Quotes
"I build businesses because I want to do something interesting,
unique and challenging or because I want to solve a problem that no one
else has solved before."
"I’ve done a lot of things in my life for no particular reason other than pure enjoyment and intrigue." "Embrace your hobbies because you genuinely never know when they are going to become relevant in the broader world or useful in your daily life outside of the hobby." "If you think you need more practice, then you should practise more. You can always, always learn more about your trade." "If you think you can just build it and people will come then you’re in for a surprise." "If you open up about what you love to do in an honest way then you are likely to get back the same honesty and enthusiasm." "If you are serious about what you are doing then you should not be shy about it because you never know where it will take you. If you keep quiet and don’t engage I can almost guarantee you that nothing amazing will happen." "Sometimes it’s better to walk away than to start again or keep building." "Sometimes it’s OK to let things go. If they aren’t achieving the goals you set out then you can either double down and do more or you can admit that you’ve done all you can do, learn and move on to try something else." "The key is to be good at learning and adopting those lessons quickly while you are building something." "There’s a very key principle here; pressure and rewards
are intimately tied together. If the pressure is high and the
"The times in my life when I have been most effective and efficient is when I’ve been on a strict and consistent routine of eating, sleeping and training." "In the coming months I would start two businesses. One would be born from the need for money and the other born from the need to be fulfilled." "As entrepreneurs we are programmed to look for the opportunity and seek the potential. This allows us to grow something from nothing; it shows us the good that’s in the world and makes us stick with something that others might give up on." "Sometimes you need to burn it all to the ground and walk away." "Actually finding a new business to start was an entirely different story. I began meeting with people, talking to friends and family trying to see what gaps existed that I could potentially build a business to fill. I looked at everything and anything." "Never underestimate the value of the people you surround yourself with and how you treat them." Written by Famous Author : Nicholas Haralambous
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Our attitude determines how we look at our setback. It can be a stepping stone to success for a winner who never takes criticisms personally or it can be a stumbling block for a loser. Our personal demons come in many guises. We experience them as shame, as jealousy, as abandonment, as rage. They are anything that makes us so uncomfortable that we continually run away. Choose someone who’ll push you to think beyond the surface, to go out of your comfort zone and uncover the memories and experiences that are the source of your WHY. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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