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Arianna Huffington Quotes
"To really know what we want to do, we have to know ourselves,
what we really value and what makes us truly happy and fulfilled."
"It seemed to me that the people who were genuinely thriving in their lives were the ones who had made room for well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving." "When we include our own wellbeing in our definition of success, another thing that changes is our relationship with time." "There is a purpose to our lives, even if it is sometimes hidden from us, and even if the biggest turning points and heartbreaks only make sense as we look back, rather than as we are experiencing them. So we might as well live life as if—as the poet Rumi put it—everything is rigged in our favor." "Have you noticed that when we die, our eulogies celebrate our lives very differently from the way society defines success?" "The old adage that we should live every day as if it were our last usually means that we shouldn’t wait until death is imminent to begin prioritizing the things that really matter." "Whether you believe in an afterlife —as I do—or not, by being fully present in your life and in the lives of those you love, you’re not just writing your own eulogy; you’re creating a very real version of your afterlife." "Again and again, all around the world, it often takes a personal health crisis to get us to pay attention." "All of our small anxieties and trivial preoccupations evaporate with the sudden recognition of what really matters. We are reminded of the impermanence of much that we assume is forever and the value of so much we take for granted." "You know, a rock just sits there and it eventually gets into sand or mud or something as the elements affect it. But a living being is constantly repairing itself against all of these different insults at a very molecular level, at a cellular level, at an emotional level. So disease happens when the repair process is not keeping up with the damage process." "By sleeping more we, in fact, become more competent and in control of our lives." "Scientific studies increasingly show the psychological
benefits of walking and other forms of exercise."
"Then we reexamine what we really want, we realize that everything that happens in our lives —every misfortune, every slight, every loss, and also every joy, every surprise, every happy accident—is a teacher, and life is a giant classroom." "I’ve come to believe that living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace." "Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness can help us to still the noise of the world so we can listen to our inner voice." "Gaining a sense of time affluence can help lead us to both greater wellbeing and deeper wisdom—not a bad thing to put on top of our everexpanding to-do lists." "Listening to your inner wisdom, let go of something today that you no longer need—something that is draining your energy without benefiting you or anyone you love. It could be resentments, negative self-talk, or a project you know you are not really going to complete." Quotes of wisdom by Arianna Huffington
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The lesson is to focus on finding the right first step. Put all of your energy into achieving that first little step. Take the time to reflect on your progress. And then repeat. The opposite of question everything is question nothing. And if you don’t question things, there’s no knowledge, no learning, no creativity, no freedom of choice, no imagination. For a happy life, it’s important to cultivate an atmosphere of growth—the sense that we’re learning new things, getting stronger, forging new relationships, making things better, helping other people. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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