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Alison Price Quotes
"Think about a particular destination that you would
like to arrive at in the future. In other words, a goal that would make
you very happy upon achieving it."
"Ensure what you are aiming for in life will be fulfilling." "Lasting, fulfilling success requires that you balance enjoyment at the current time with payoffs in the future." "It’s crucial that your goals are actually worth the effort needed to achieve them. As we said previously, there is no point in successfully achieving the wrong goals in life." "The secret behind a self-fulfilling prophecy is that your positive (or negative) belief about a situation makes you take on a different attitude and display different behaviour to someone who has not got that same belief." "So having positive belief in our capability, even if they’re not strictly justified (not just yet anyway), can help us to achieve far better results than someone who has a negative or non-beneficial belief about their capability and doesn’t even try." "Something that’s vital to achieving more success in your life is the opening up of your mind to the fact that you can do things that you might think are absolutely impossible." "A belief is not a fact. You can do so much more than you think you can." "Once you understand that you are capable of doing things that you really don’t believe that you can do, the world becomes your oyster." "The more you realize that you can do things you don’t believe that you can, the more this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy." "When you know you can’t do something, you don’t even
try – and then it is an absolute certainty that you will not
"Contrast this to people who realize that their dreams are possible – they just haven’t achieved them yet. These people take action, and with sustained effort and motivation they will succeed in achieving their goals." "Dare to dream! We don’t have to yet be capable of achieving our goal, we just have to believe that we can and act accordingly." "You can do more than you think possible, you just need to believe that you can and work towards it." "Whether you have everything you need to succeed, or whether you’re not there just yet, believe first and foremost that you can succeed." "Through our experience of working with a wide range of people and supporting them to achieve their goals, we have consistently found one thing to determine whether or not they are ultimately successful: how much they want to achieve their goal. In other words, the more they want their goal, the more effort they are prepared to put in and the more successful they are likely to be." "We cannot emphasize enough that, if you want to achieve
something really difficult, in order to be able to keep putting
Written by Author : Alison Price
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However, he was well aware that one of his strengths—one he had built through years of practice in music—was the simple skill of persisting at difficult tasks....... When you are truly passionate about something, you don't have to try hard to put attention on it. When challenges arises, they can't deter you. They may slow you down for a while, but they can't stop you. What makes you an expert is that you took the time to learn these things and can teach them or practice them with someone who will benefit from your knowledge. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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