Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Sandy Forster
"Remember, successful people don't drift to the top.
It takes focused action, personal disciple and lots of energy every day
to make things happen."
"The habits you develop from this day forward will utimately
determine how your future works out."
"The more you learn about yourself, how you think, how
you feel, what your true purpose is and how your want to live, the more
your life will flow."
"The results of your bad habits usually don't show up
until much later in life."
"Negative habits breed negative consequences. Successful
habits create positive rewards. That's just the way life is."
"You can turn negative
consequences into positive rewards simply by changing your habits now."
"Consider that true abundance includes all aspects of
your life, excellent health, strong personal relationships, meaningful
work, joyful hobbies, a spiritual connection, community involvement and
of course the money to enhance these experiences."
"The process of writing down what you desire develops
a strong emotional connection to it and a foundation to build upon."
"Emotion creates excitement along with the power to raise
your vibration and move the desire closer to you. Your visual
then becomes very powerful."
"It is a given that eagles and turkeys don't hang out
together. One soars and the other gobbles."
"We all have the same amount of time, in a day, week,
month and year. It is time to get past this tired old excuse.
Remember you choose how to use your time."
"Put a little action in your
life in terms of what you are creating and the results will begin to
manifest for you."
"Stretch yourself and move outside of your comfort zone.
Once you get there, stay out there. For the amount of discomfort
you have to deal with, the rewards are immeasurable."
"All the areas of your life, health, wealth, relationships,
job and spiritual life are affected by what you are doing for your health."
"The missing keys to permanent weight loss and abundant
health are your attitudes, beliefs and thinking."
"Develop and listen to your intuition. Only you
know what is right for you. Trust your inner knowing, have faith
in yourself, and make your decisions and choices from this place."
"Love the journey and the outcome! Consciously choosing to live in an internal place of peace, love and contentment will allow the journey to be easy and graceful." Written by Sandy Forster
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Stay focused on what you want to accomplish in life. You have to think outside of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goals and be successful. Think back to the achievements in your own life - the ones you are most proud of. I'll bet you needed to work hard, persist despite difficulty, and stay focused, when it would have been much easier for you to just relax and not bother. The thing to realise is that we are all subject to the laws of the Universe. There are some things we do have some control over, but the method for attaining true happiness and spiritual growth is to let go and let the Universe be our guide.
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