Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Dawn Mellowship
"We need the real confidence that comes from following
our true paths on earth and trusting our inner guidance. When we
can achieve this, we do not feel the need to jump off bridges, or climb
mountains, or walk tight-ropes, because we know that in real terms it is
"Having fear does not mean that you have to be controlled
by them."
"If you pin all your hopes on one dream, you might be
missing out on something fantastic that you should be doing that would
be far more fulfilling."
"It is not the end of the world if you cannot eat bread.
There are plenty of other options."
"Many of our irrational fears are a product of our loss
of direction in life and a distinct lack of, or a very weak intuitive connection."
"Practically every experience in life is an opportunity
for personal growth, for us or those around us."
"The thing to realise is that we are all subject to the
laws of the Universe. There are some things we do have some control
over, but the method for attaining true happiness and spiritual growth
is to let go and let the Universe be our guide."
"We need to be accepting of what the Universe has in store
for us. The more accepting we become, the more we are able to adapt
and trust our own inner wisdom."
"There is nothing wrong with being around others if you
are around people that foster your personal growth, but you should not
need to be around other people to feel happy or complete."
"We should not fool ourselves into believing that we can
take any course of action in life and expect only good to come our way.
If our intuition tells us to do one thing and we do the exact opposite,
then we cannot realistically suppose that everything in our lives will
be plain sailing."
"If you want to be self-employed, remember that you will
need to be motivated, you will have to work long hours and take fewer holidays
because you will not be getting paid for them."
"Money can buy you a great many things, but it can never
buy you spirituality."
"Making money is not inherently bad in itself, but it
has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality, which revolves around how
you live your life."
"There are many things in life that are so much more important
than being rich."
"Too many people are looking for easy answers. They
do not want to work hard for anything or wait for anything. Instead
they expect it to instantaneously drop into their lap whenever they express
their demands."
"There is a theory that supposes that whatever you give,
you will receive. If you give others recognition, respect and live,
you will receive this in return."
"We only get abundance if we have abundance." Written by Dawn Mellowship
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The desire to master what you to is another sign you're on the passion path. You want to get it right, whatever, it is, so you practise and practise, correcting yourself as you go along. Life will get so much easier when you stop judging yourself and others. You lose so much energy when you judge others and it does not feel good in your heart. Different people experiencing exactly the same event can end up with different beliefs. Even though the situation may be the same, their thoughts can go in wildly different directions. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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