Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Dr. L.T. Coleman Jr. and Dr. J.M. Williams
"People become quite remarkable when they start to think
that they can achieve things, by believing and expecting great things to
"You have to being to use your abilities to its fullest
in order to compete in our changing society."
"We all have more strength than will and when we say things
are impossible to do, it is often just excuses we make for ourselves."
"Anyone who has achieved something in this world has worked
and studied hard for it."
"Stay focused on what you want to accomplish in life.
You have to think outside of your comfort zone in order to achieve your
goals and be successful."
"You will have some disappointments in your life, that
is a part of life. However, learn from your mistakes and do better
the next time."
"Never use failure as a reason for not achieving your
goals. Achievers are performers, director and producers."
"When we think about achieving great things and believing
in our dreams, we can accomplish any and everything we set our minds to."
"Any type of achievement in your life must be constantly
maintained. You should never stop learning and improving yourself."
"One of the largest secrets in the world for getting ahead
in life is getting started on making it happen."
"To think to yourself and say you want a better job or
you want to go back to school to better yourself is a great thought, but
if you do not take 'action' it is a waste of your time."
"Excellence is not being the best, but it is doing your
very best."
"It is important to understand that whatever you wish
to do, move forward with your plans, because that is the only way to test
your ideas."
"Just dreaming and hoping does not make a poor person
rich. We believe a person should decide on one good idea and act
on it."
"We cannot become who and what we need to be by remaining
who and what we are."
"There is an extremely high need for us to become owners
of our own businesses and train ourselves and children that working as
an employee is not the way to make a living."
"A person must expand his or her comfort zone, and then growth and opportunity will appear. We must expand our minds outside of the box." Written by Dr. L.T. Coleman Jr. and Dr. J.M. Williams
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The thing to realise is that we are all subject to the laws of the Universe. There are some things we do have some control over, but the method for attaining true happiness and spiritual growth is to let go and let the Universe be our guide. The desire to master what you to is another sign you're on the passion path. You want to get it right, whatever, it is, so you practise and practise, correcting yourself as you go along. Life will get so much easier when you stop judging yourself and others. You lose so much energy when you judge others and it does not feel good in your heart. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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