1) Always complaining about the
past, the present, and the future. Continue to think negatively and
refusing to accept and face life heads on.
2) Prefer to watch drama after drama at all times instead of reading or learning productive things. 3) Smoking excessively, drinks excessively, uses drugs excessively. Wastes time denying that these things are a problem. Continue to waste money and risk health instead of finding ways to stop it. 4) Works at a job for money only instead of focusing on skills learning. No satisfaction from a job well done. When at work, complains about what could be done at home. 5) During days off, does nothing to improve self-worth. 6) Keep talking about doing grand things e.g. taking trips, getting certifications, and bettering themselves. Never actually does these talked about things. 7) Trying to “stir the pot” all the time, be it at work, home, or somewhere in between. Sits back and wonders why the backlash comes and bites them. Conclusion Ineffective people are those that are perfectionists (never complete a task because they are busy redoing it); indecisive, over cautious and afraid to take risks (they get lost analyzing the options, can’t make up their mind and are afraid of new things and the unknown); easily sidetracked, waste time on trivial tasks and activities rather than the important big ones. As well, waste time watching TV, gaming, porn, etc.; and impulsive, compulsive, obsessive. Lazy to sit down and spent time planning life goals and taking action to achieve it. Free Quotation
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