Good books are the brick and mortar that had hold civilization together. Books have kept alive the past and they also enliven the present.
Daily reading makes you a full person. It is a yardstick for comparison, a leveler for understanding thing you don't know, a square for sizing up and a plumb rule for concentration. Reading provokes your thought, inspires meditation, engenders reflection, causes deliberation and gives you greater power to concentrate on the job. Reading increases your understanding of knowledge, gives you an insight into the thinking of the author. Reading helps you to form a pattern of thought and will help you to influence and motivate others to think and act. It helps you to analyze and visualize your problem and solution. You learn to think around and through things. It opens up new vistas, ripens judgment, stabilizes thought and teaches you to be tolerant and be considerate of others. Frequent reading helps you grow and expand your knowledge. The Old Captain There was once a story about a group of well-known business
men who hired a ship and went fishing off the coast. They were impressed
by the unusual display of knowledge and information of the old captain.
Conversation with the old captain shows that he was so well read, well
versed and well informed and it lead them to believe that he must have
a very valuable and extensive experience. However, the old captain
told them that most of his knowledge and information were gain from his
voracious reading of books and making an effort to understand them.
Whether you are reading digital book or physical paper book, reading like exercise is going to benefits your brain and let you gain knowledge or other people experience which you can apply into your own life. Hope the above is enough to motivate you to being reading as it is a good habit to start now. |
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