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Siimon Reynolds Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Siimon Reynolds:
"We need to learn the success laws. Study them.
Master them. Then teach them to others. Because mastering these
foundational life principles will bring us more wealth, achievement and
happiness than any university course or tertiary study."
"You don't have to be smarter than everyone else, or better
looking, or more connected, or luckier to make it big in life. You
just have to focus- really focused - on what you want and how you can get
"You could leave a piece of paper in the sun all day and
it would be almost unaffected by the sun's rays. But concentrate
the sun's rays with a magnifying glass and within a few seconds the paper
would be on fire."
"A great life purpose inspired you. It gets you
up in the morning. It excites you. It involves you in life.
It enriches your existence and that of those around you. It makes
life more interesting, more fun, and more adventure-filled."
"When times are tough, the inspiration you get from your
life purpose pushes you to overcome any adversity in pursuit of your life
"Your brain is designed to assist you in the most extraordinary
powerful ways. But if you never give it clear instructions about
what you're seeking in life, it will struggle to help you make progress."
"The power of clarity is absolutely stupendous.
It really is one of the primary determinants of the level of success and
happiness you'll reach in your life."
"The simple truth is this: the more clarity you have about
what you want in every area of your life, the more likely you are to get
what you want."
"The truth is that the quality of your thinking has a
gigantic impact on the quality of your life, and if you only realised this
you would devote time every single day to strengthening your mental state."
"Optimists believe passionately that they will achieve
their goal, almost irrespective of how many bumps they encounter along
the road. As a result they keep persisting and pushing until finally
they achieve what they set out to do. It's entirely logical."
"Believe in yourself and others will believe in you. Believe that you can do it, and that very belief will open up a world of magnificent possibilities." "Remember: your thoughts change your actions, and then
your new actions give you new results."
"Your mind is your greatest weapon in the battle of life.
Learn how to use it better than your competition and you'll soon run rings
around them."
"A person with a growth mindset believes that talents
are not fixed. They think that even if you're not good at something
at first, you can become good at it eventually through dedicated and consistent
"People with a growth mindset are masters of Kaizen.
They are always looking at ways to improve their skills, talents and abilities,
even if just a little bit. Eventually that commitment to incremental
improvement leads to enormous gains and massive improvements in life satisfaction.
Inch by inch, little by little, every aspect of their life gets better."
"When you become excited about the power of continuous
learning, things change fast. You put a little more pressure on your
learning curve, you dive deeper into the area you're involved in, and you
push yourself a little closer to the outer edge of competence. Increased
growth, progress and satisfaction are the results."
"If however, you can discipline yourself to purely focus on the tasks that you can actually make a difference to, then you are sure to improve your life. If you have to worry, at least worry about the things you have the power to change." Written by Siimon Reynolds
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When the chips are down, I do not spend too much time finding out why they are down. But I need to know which chips are still standing and make the best of what I have. I learn from my mistakes and claw my way back. You must read or study things each day that expand and challenge all that you know. You must stay fresh and curious, unafraid to revisit or reject something you've always assumed to be true. Life's difficulties are something we can actually be thankful for because gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings, goes a saying.
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