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Shannon Kaiser Quotes
"Limiting beliefs and fear can stop us from moving forward
in life."
"When you look deeply into your own habits, you will see the areas that are stopping you from reaching your goals." "In order not to settle for less in life, we must first address the fears behind our actions. If you are in a situation that feels safe, but you are unhappy, the work is to realize your greatness and welcome in the unknown." "You see, our mind doesn’t know the difference between real and fake. If you imagine something in your mind and dedicate yourself to your vision (even just five minutes a day) you will see your dream realized." "By visualizing yourself as a successful, happy, and healthy person, it can come to you faster. As you focus on resetting your life, you focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want." "Nothing is permanent; at every moment of your life you have an opportunity to change directions." "The real problem in our fear of the unknown and in our feelings of unworthiness is not that we want to feel safe, although that drives us. It is the notion that we don’t trust the universe to give us what we really want. When we don’t feel worthy of getting great love, or we don’t feel capable of excelling at our dream job, we may settle into a familiar, though not very comfortable, reality." "Everything has a vibrational frequency. Love is the highest energetic frequency and fear is—yes, you guessed it—the lowest. This means that you need to focus more on what you want rather than what you don’t want. It means mentally creating a new reality by literally resetting your direction." "Everything we do is motivated by a need, so your current circumstances must be fulfilling some need." "After writing out your script and plan for your bestselling
blockbuster life hit, play it out. Start living out goals and
"Execute your life plan with care and focus. You do that by setting up clear steps to help you reach new goals. Once you start to put your real desires into focus, you will see that there are baby steps you can take to move you toward fulfillment." "You can’t rush your dreams; they have a divine order
to them, and letting them unfold naturally will help you live with
"Like attracts like, which also means that negative energy attracts negative energy." "If you believe the world is a kind, loving place, you will see evidence of this in your everyday encounters. Strangers will smile at you, you will find parking spots up close to the store entrance, and you will feel abundant and happy. What we believe on the inside is always manifested on the outside. Pay attention to your thoughts and how they create your reality." "Instead of looking at the situations in your life as problems, begin to shift your perspective to see that they are just pathways. All situations serve as a path to greater understanding to help you grow and learn more about yourself." "Replace your worries about what could go wrong with what could go right, and watch how your life unfolds. It will unfold beautifully and you will feel abundant, happy, and free." "Life is like swimming in the ocean: We can either fight against the waves, looking at our problems as giant harsh waves, crushing us and pulling us under, or we can dive into our life and accept the natural flow." Quotes of wisdom by Shannon Kaiser
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The most important person is always the person you are with, who is right before you, for who knows if you will have dealings with any other person in the future? Whenever the actions of the inner body match the actions which the outer must take to appease desire, that desire will be realized. Talent plays only a small part in the commercial’s success. If we were to be honest, two other, far less celebrated qualities—stamina and resilience—are the real stars. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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