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Rupert McKerron Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Rupert McKerron
"We need to follow our dreams and listen to our feelings
so that we can find our unique talent."
"I want you to believe in yourself!"
"Your subconcious mind is your intuition and speaks to
you through feelings."
"Like a genie, your subconscious will deliver whatever
it is asked regardless of the consequences."
"Waking up each morning and repeating a positive affirmation
like, 'today is filled with opportunities' gives clear instructions to
your subconscious."
"By reapting the affirmations, your subconscious hears
these words so often that it realises, like the genie, it needs to start
delivering results."
"The key to your purpose in life lies in your subconscious.
Your subconscious mind, also known as your intuition, knows your unique
talents and always works in your best interest."
"Unlike our conscious mind, our subconscious mind talks
to us through feelings that often take the form of thoughs that pop into
our minds at the most unexpected moments - when we are daydreaming, or
our conscious mind is not active."
"If there is a problem, you can take steps to fix it.
But if you deny the problem and run away from it you can never fix it."
"Once you have set your goals, you will be amazed at how
you suddenly become aware of events in your life that can help you achieve
your goals."
"From time to time imagine having achieved your goal.
See it, smell it, taste it, hear it, feel it. Visualising your goal
will help you achieve your goal faster."
"To lead a Big Life, it is important to take responsibility
for your life and all the circumstances that occur in your life."
"By taking responsibility, you become proactive in your
approach to life. When you blame others you become reactive to events
in your life and are no longer in charge."
"When faced with a situation that creates irritation,
try viewing the event as a teacher and ask yourself, "What lesson am I
meant to learn from this?"
"At times of stress or anxiety if we bring ourselves into
the present by focusing on sights and sounds immediately around us, it
settles our mind and helps us deal with problems troubling us."
"If you believe that the world is a hard place with no
opportunity, people you meet, articles you read and TV programmes you watch
will reinforce this view."
"If you believe that the world is abundant and full of opportunity, people you meet, articles you read and TV programmes you watch will reinforce this view." Written by Rupert McKerron
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