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Rolf Nabb Quotes

Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by Rolf Nabb :

"Good things happen for people with positive attitudes."

"You have to always have a positive outlook and positive things will happen for you."

"The power of having positive attitude is a very real thing and whatever you exhibit to the world is what you will get back."

"No matter how easy it is, don't let the bad things that happen in your life drive you to a state of despair or despondency."

"You must have faith.  Always.  You must always know that things will work out because they will."

"But you have only one life to live.  Either you live it happily or you don't."

"In order for the Lawof Attraction to work, you have to be thankful for everything."

"Each failure will lead you to more success because you will learn from it."

"Once you get into a bountiful and abundant way of thinking, you will be ready for all the things that you deserve."

"If you're like a lot of people, you're unsure of what you want and just wander from one thing to the next, you need to ask yourself why it is that you want and expect so little from life."

"Life has no guarantees, I'll agree with you there.  However, if you aren't admitting that you want anything, you are experiencing disappointment without ever giving yourself the chance to attain what it is that you want."

"You should never let a disappointment make you unhappy forever."

"You have to dare to dream.  You cannot be complacent."

"A lot of what you can accomplish is in how you look at it and the specifics involved."

"People should try to achieve the achievable before they attempt the unachievable because this will make the seemingly unachievable more attainable."

"You just have to realize that good things can happen for you."

"You can do anything you want.  You just have to believe.  And you have to have a good attitude."

Written by Rolf Nabb
A Straightforward Guide to Using the Law of Attraction

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