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Newt Gingrich and Jackie Gingrich Cushman Quotes
"Success does not happen overnight, and it does not happen
easily. But we believe that everyone can find a way to be successful. The
outcome is simply a result of an ongoing process—learning to live successfully."
"Together our family has found that by following five
principles, anyone can improve his or her life and create success:
"Most of us dream when we are young. We dream about becoming
fire fighters, police officers, ballet dancers, teachers, doctors, or astronauts.
We do not consider whether realizing our dreams is probable or even possible.
Instead, we
"The truth is that dreams are essential, no matter what age we are—they help focus our energy on the future and keep us hopeful." "Dreaming by itself will not make something happen. But dreaming—finding that picture and allowing its pursuit to motivate you—is key. It is the first step." "Big dreams inspire you to action. They grab your imagination
and fill your mind, consume your thoughts and lead you to
"Remember that you will accomplish only as much as you
dream you can—so if you want to accomplish big things, you'd better
"If you are going to work that hard, it had better be for a big dream." "It was not enough for Disney to dream simply of owning his own studio; he also dreamed of—and achieved—major advances in the art and impact of animation by doing things no one else was doing." "Everyone who knew him remarked on his intensity; when something intrigued him, he focused himself entirely as if it were the only thing that mattered.” "Everyone can see what is certain and real, but only those who can imagine what could be have a chance to create and live their dreams." "Those without a dream will have no reason to strive,
work hard, or think of better days to come. People who dream big
"Big accomplishments involve risk, and risk inevitably
involves failure. It is the fear of failure that often stops
"Those who have attained the impossible dreamed the impossible." "The greater danger for most of us,said Michelangelo,
is not that our aimis too high and we miss it, but that it is
"A big dream is a goal that will stretch you beyond your current capabilities. That is the point. Dream BIG." "You can succeed when absolutely no one believes in you, but you have no chance to succeed if you do not believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself, then you will dream big." Contributed by Newt Gingrich and Jackie Gingrich Cushman
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There is an order to the ways that things work. Life was created with laws that govern how it works. There are laws that govern success just as gravity governs falling. If we can learn to follow these laws, we can live better lives. The setbacks you experience are wonderful opportunities to learn. Not only can you learn, in a critical sense, what you might have done wrong, but you also can come to understand what has led you to make the choices you’ve made. Life is sometimes unfair. The world doesn’t owe us favors. Intelligence, privilege, and opportunity are not proxies for success. Persistence rules the day. If you want to reap a relationship, a friendship, be the encourager, be the one who’s always telling your friends, “Man. I’m excited about what you’re doing. I think you’re great at this. You have to change your thinking about your future. Your future is not predetermined. Rather, you create your future through the decisions and choices you make today. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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