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Chris Widener Quotes
"I think one of the greatest things we can do to become
successful is to surround ourselves with great friends."
"If you want to reap a relationship, a friendship, be the encourager, be the one who’s always telling your friends, “Man. I’m excited about what you’re doing. I think you’re great at this." "People who are successful in health eat right and exercise their body. It’s so simple that all of us know it, right? " "People grow because they’re pushed to grow in school, because they’re required to grow in school. We require people to learn language. We require people to learn math. We require people to learn some level of science. People learn the basics and graduate, and I find that almost no one grows after that." "It’s not the formal education that’s going to determine your success. It’s the self-education. It’s what you learn after you get out of school that’s going to determine whether or not you’re successful." "We choose our growth. Who we become is the direct result of the choices we make, and the choices we make about what we’re going to sow because what we sow becomes what we reap." "Do you always have the big tremendous harvest? No. But farmers don’t either. Sometimes, it’s a good harvest, sometimes, it’s an okay harvest, but if you plant the seeds, at least you get something. If you don’t plant the seeds or you plant the wrong seeds, you don’t end up with success." "Each and every day, make sure you’re sowing because every day, we have a chance to sow. We are sowing to our marriage. We’re sowing to a relationship. We’re sowing to our health. We’re sowing to our growth. We’re sowing to our money. We’re sowing either positively or negatively." "Every seed that we throw out into the world is either positive or negative along the continuum. To the degree that we sow positive, we reap positive. To the degree that we sow negative, we reap negative." "If it’s bad people or bad habits or whatever it might be, you want to get rid of the weeds so that you’re not sowing into them." "Anything that’s worth having is worth waiting for, and sowing, and sowing, and sowing, and sowing, and sowing." "We’re designed to start out with a lack of knowledge, to grow in our knowledge, and to convert that knowledge into wisdom." "Be the one who’s always positive and optimistic rather than pessimistic." "Encouragement, encouragement. I love the word encouragement because the root of it is courage. We give courage to other people." "If you want to reap kindness, if you want to reap a relationship, you have to sow kindness." "If you put an apple seed into the ground, you don’t get an orange tree, you get an apple tree, and ancient man knew this." "Whatever we put into a computer is what we get out of it." Contributed by Chris Widener
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You have to change your thinking about your future. Your future is not predetermined. Rather, you create your future through the decisions and choices you make today. Your subconscious mind is all-wise. It knows the answers to all questions. However, it does not know that it knows. It does not argue with you or talk back to you. It does not say, "You must not impress me with suggestions of that sort." If you send out loving, kind, magnanimous and caring words, thoughts and deeds, you will receive that goodness back multiplied. What you giveis what you get. No doubt about it. In every seed is the promise of thousands of forests. But the seed must not be hoarded; it must give its intelligence to the fertile ground. Through its giving, its unseen energy flows into material manifestation. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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