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Michael J. Losier Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Michael J. Losier
"The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration
you are sending by giving you more of it, whether it's positive or negative.
It simply responds to your vibration."
"It's important to understand that the Law of Attraction
is already existing in your life whether you understand it or not, whether
you like it or not, or whether you believe it or not."
"Whether it's a positive or negative vibration, the Law
of Attraction will give you more of the same."
"When you make a statement containing the words don't,
not or no, you are actually giving attention and energy to what you don't
want. Simply ask yourself, 'So, What do I want'."
"When you go from what you don't want to what you do want,
the words change, the vibration changes, and you can only send out one
vibration at a time."
"The Law of Attraction doesn't remember what vibration
you were sending out five minutes ago, five days ago, five months ago or
50 years ago. It's only responding to the vibration you are sending
out right now in this very moment and giving you more of the same."
"To know whether you are sending our a positive or negative
vibration, simply take a look at the results you're getting in that area
of your life. They are a perfect reflection of what you are vibrating."
"Observing contrast is essential because it helps you
to become clearer about what you do want."
"Identify what makes you feel good and do more of it."
"It is not enough to merely identify your desire, you
must also give it positive attention. Giving it positive attention
ensures that you are including the vibration of your desire in your current
"The Law of Attraction responds to how you feel about
what you say and how you feel about what you think."
"The speed at which Law of Attraction manifests your desire
is in direct proportion to how much you Allow."
"When your thoughts consist of a limiting belief you are
offering or sending our a negative vibration."
"Remember, it's the absence of doubt that will bring your
desire faster."
"Doubt is what stops your desire from coming to you."
"Take time to appreciate anything. It's the feeling
that's attached to your appreciation that is important. Appreciation
and gratitude help you offer strong, positive vibrations."
"In the moment you think about a new desire, talk about it, write about it, put it on your calendar, or on a reminder note on your fridge, you have just begun the process of because in each of these cases, you are giving your new desire attention, energy and focus." Written by Michael J. Losier
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The final step to discovering the secret of manifestation is to take action. When you have a plan, an intention will form. When you take action, nothing can stop you. Focus on the good things in your life, as well as your talents and skills. Have gratitude for your life. Let what comes flow and do not judge. People can find that one of the most liberating moments of their life is when they realize that they don't need to constantly strive to move to a bigger house, get a bigger car or get a better office. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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