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Alison & David Price Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Alison & David Price
"Time travel may not be possible, but we can seek advice
from those older and wiser than us and ask them the question: 'If you could
live your life over again, what would you do differently?'"
"Firstly, make sure that you take regular 'time out' to
look at the bigger picture, and to work out what you want from life.
You get so caught up in the rat race of life that it usually takes a crises
to make you step back and re-vist what your priorities are."
"Secondly, be more courageous and take more risks.
You are most alive when you are learning, growing, stretching and exploring."
"And finally, make sure that you work out, as early as
possible in your life, what will make you genuinely fullfilled. Success
is often measured in external ways, such as how big your house is or what
job title you have, but the 'internal measure' of how happy you feel inside
is far more important."
"Many people define success in terms of money or possessions.
However, an increasing amount of research makes it clear that most people
don't understand the difference between what 'they think' will make them
happy and what 'will actually' make them happy."
"People can find that one of the most liberating moments
of their life is when they realize that they don't need to constantly strive
to move to a bigger house, get a bigger car or get a better office."
"True success is about enjoying the journey towards a
destination that you deem to be valuable."
"Goals can be a great way to find more success and fulfilment
in your life. But what is absolutely critical is that you pick goals
where you get genuine pleasure from working towards them, as well as from
achieving them."
"So having positive belief in our capability, even if
they're not strictly justified (not just yet anyway), can help us to achieve
far better results than someone who has a negative or non-beneficial belief
about their capability and doesn't even try."
"Something that's vital to achieving more success in your
life is the opening up of your mind to the fact that you can do things
that you might think are absolutely impossible."
"Once you understand that you are capable of doing things
that you really don't believe that you can do, the world bcomes your oyster."
"When you know you can't do something, you don't even
try, and then it is an absolute certainty that you will not succeed."
"Dare to dream! We don't have to yet be capable
of achieving our goal, we just have to believe that we can and act accordingly."
"You can do more that you think possible, you just need
to believe that you can and work towards it."
"Whether you have everything you need to succeed, or whether
you're not there just yet, believe first and foremost that you can succeed."
"It was wanting to do something that no-one had ever done
before. That's what got me out of bed every day."
"If you are struggling to achieve your goal and a lack of time is the genuine answer, it's worth asking yourself, 'How important is this to me?'" Written by Alison & David Price
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The key to your purpose in life lies in your subconscious. Your subconscious mind, also known as your intuition, knows your unique talents and always works in your best interest. Find as many opportunities to completely relax as you can; complete relaxation clears harmful stress from your body. And laugh as much as you can; laughter is quite a healing tool. We are not slaves to our childhoods, but it's important to understand how the echoes from our childhoods reach forward throughout our lives - sometimes in the most profound ways. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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