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Lisa Nicholas Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Lisa Nicholas
"When you don't have faith in yourself, it's impossible
to succeed or to be happy."
"Remember, the Law of Attraction status that like attracts
like. When we keep our attention on what we don't want, that's what
we attract."
"You hold the key to your own success or failure."
"You have the power to choose your quality of life by
the conversation you choose to entertain in your head. If you want
to uplift your life, begin by uplifting your internal dialogue."
"The minute you truly believe (and the key word here is
truly) that you are ready for something new and better in the area of your
health, relationships, finances, or your spiritual journey, you give yourself
permission to achieve a greater level of success and happiness than you've
ever experienced before."
"When you have faith in yourself, you no longer allow
your external situations to shape how you feel about yourself."
"Staying focused on the larger outcome you desire will
keep you moving and on the right track, no matter how many detours you
may have to follow."
"If a roadblock looms up before you and knocks you off
your path, you get up, dust yourself off and look around, ready to discover
what your next step will be, and to find a new path, if necessary."
"Once you start to take action, you've broken the spell of hopelessness." "When you commit yourself to doing the highest good, living
your purpose, and always moving forward, you're setting yourself up for
success, no matter what."
"There's no better way to experience the benefits of taking
action that to take action."
"The sooner you can rededicate yourself to your original,
greater goal, the less time you'll need to spend recovering from your disappointments."
"The next time you feel that things aren't going the way
you want them to, see if you can press Pause and focus your mind solely
on your original intent."
"Opening yourself up to your Higher Power is not difficult;
in fact, you start by not doing anything at all."
"Gratitude anchors you to the source of blessings and
comfort and gives you confidence that you'll always be taken care of, aided
and guided."
"When you consciously appreciate the gifts in your life,
no matter how large or small, it lays the foundation for more blessings
to come to you."
"Remember, it doesn't matter what you call this Higher Power, it doesn't matter if you come to Him or Her through a certain religious framework. What's important is to feel that you are a part of a larger whole and that that whole is on your side." Written by Lisa Nicholas
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Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to assume the power in your own life especially when you've been in the habit of giving it away. But if you let others control key issues, you allow them to direct your energy and destiny too. You can read and listen all you want, but unless you decide that you want to become a positive person, a person who thinks positive, acts positive, and speaks positive (both proactive and reactive), your attitude will not be a positive one. Our brains simply can't hold the two ideas at the same time. You can't grow and shrink at the same time. It would defy physical laws. The same is true with our thinking. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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