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Eric Butterworth Quotes
"And I have discovered that the one simple thought that
is most revealing and helpful to the person in deep inner turmoil is this:
You always have a choice!"
"You may not be able to keep someone from doing or saying certain things. But you certainly do not have to permit him or her to decide for you how you are going to think or feel or act as a result. It is a final choice that is always yours." "Unless you live up to the miracle that is you, you can never realize your best potentialities." "You are an essential part of a universal plan, endowed with certain creative talents that the world needs." "You are important, and you can find the only satisfaction one ever finds by seeking to live as bravely and helpfully and grandly as you can—coming to be known not so much for what you have done as for what you are." "Nature never thought about or intended to create pessimists—they are as artificial as synthetic rubber." "You cannot do very much to change the world, but you can act the way you want to be, and the way you want the world to be—and, strange as it may seem, such efforts will bear fruit in your own life and in the world around you." "The richest treasure of life is usually found in completely unexpected places and at unexpected times."
"When we do less than our best, or use our best for less than the best purposes, we cheat ourselves." "We need to consider seriously whether we are spending our lives or investing them; whether we are wasting our energies or utilizing them; whether we are burying the treasures of our divinely bestowed talents or circulating them to the betterment of mankind. Take a good look at yourself—you may well be passing over some hidden treasures right now." "What we say to ourselves is vitally important. It is a good thing to say worthwhile things to yourself and to say them often." "In the challenging changes of your life, what are you seeing? It could well be that you are misreading the lines and failing to see the potential within you and within the experience before you." "If life is what you are thinking about all day, then if you want a harmonious and effective life, you had better see to it that you give your mind the right diet for breakfast, and keep your mind centered on positive things all day long." "You see, your world is made in the image and likeness
of whatever you most consistently believe in or give your attention
"Change your thinking and you change events. What are
you thinking about: sickness or health? animosities or friendships?
Quotes of wisdom by Eric Butterworth
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The more you meditate, the deeper you go within yourself, the firmer the grasp you will have of a kind of inner peace so strong that nothing in life will be able to shatter it. List the things you like doing the most. Not just ideas of things or general categories, but the actual activities you do. Be really specific—the details will help you know where you are most comfortable and the types of people you will enjoy the most. Reading will assist you, but it’s a whole different world when you go from reading to doing. If you are truly serious about success, prove it, and do the actions suggested. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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