Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Dr. Beverly Potter
"When propelled by passsion, you easily put your best
foot forward, without feeling pressured or over-worked."
"Every time you make a choice about doing one thing as
opposed to another, you make a value decision."
"Accoumplishing the first step brings a feeling of success.
Success begets success."
"Ability to self-reward increases personal power because
you are less dependent on others for acknowledgement."
"Arrange what you do so that you are working for a reward
that you give yourself when you achieve the mark you set."
"We continually create our lives with what we think about.
Our thoughts interpret information from the senses, set our expectations
and frame our vision."
"When you change the way you think, your picutre of the
world changes, the way you act and feel changes, your life changes."
"Negative feelings like anxiety, depression and anger
don't actually result from the bad things that happen, they result from
the way you think about those negative events."
"Thinking is something you do, a habit. Habits are
automatic behaviors."
"Change the way you talk to yourself about events and
you change the way you respond."
"Curiously, we are more prone to remembering negative
or downer emotions that positive, uplifting ones."
"When you are purposeful, you experience positive and
reaffirming emotions, you gain tremendous control over yourself."
"When you talk to yourself day in and day out, you are
virtually brain washing yourself, which is problematic when you talk to
yourself in ways that are unhelpful."
"Remember, the secret of self-esteem and confidence is
to treat yourself as supportive friend or coach would."
"When you give yourself permission to make errors and
let go of constantly judging yourself, it begins to feel okay to make mistakes."
"One of the worst things that you can do is to stay for
years in a line of work that you do not enjoy."
"If you are good at setting goals and then moving yourself toward accomplishing them, you will enjoy emotions you seek and likely to accomplish a lot. In effect, you are holding out your own carrot in front of yourself, leading yourself on to achieve the goals that you set, as you knock down goal after goal." Written by Dr. Beverly Potter
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The recognition that what we put out into the world matters, that our energy has influence and holds possibility, means that blessing your children, and all the kids at school, when you drop them off has consequencs. Your world becomes a friendlier, warmer place when you choose to interact with other human beings, rather than just exist in your own little universe. Learn to be more sociable! Consider that true abundance includes all aspects of your life, excellent health, strong personal relationships, meaningful work, joyful hobbies, a spiritual connection, community involvement and of course the money to enhance these experiences. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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