Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Donald Cargill :
"I cannot but be grieved to go from my native land, and
especially from that part of it for whom and with whom I desired only to
live; yet the dreadful apprehensions I have of what is coming upon this
land may help to make me submissive to this providence, though more bitter."
"I come now to tell you for what I am brought here to
die, and to give you an account of my faith, which I shall do as in the
sight of the living God before whom I am shortly to stand."
"I have been a man of great sins, but He has been a God
of great mercies; and now, through His mercies, I have a conscience as
sound and quiet as if I had never sinned."
"But go on, valiant champion; you die not as a fool, though
the apostate, unfaithful, and lukewarm ministers and professors of this
generation think and say so."
"But He Himself hath sealed your sufferings, and their
thus saying condemns God, and His sealing condemns them."
"But seek till ye find, and, whatever ye find for the
present, let your last act be to lay and leave yourselves on the righteousness
of His Son, expecting life through His name, according to the promise of
the Father."
"Farewell all relations and friends in Christ; farewell
acquaintances and all earthly enjoyments; farewell reading and preaching,
praying and believing, wanderings, reproaches, and sufferings."
"Farewell, dearest friend, never to see one another any
more till at the right hand of Christ."
"Fear not; and the God of mercies grant a full gale and
a fair entry into His kingdom, which may carry sweetly and swiftly over
the bar, that you find not the rub of death."
"Go on, then, and let your intent be seriousness."
"I have followed holiness, I have taught truth, and I
have been most in the main things; not that I thought the things concerning
our times little, but that I thought none could do anything to purpose
in God's great and public matters, till they were right in their conditions."
"I say, traitors; as some men live upon the reward of
treachery, for their quiet and liberty; if it may be called a liberty,
as it is redeemed with the betraying of the interest of Christ, and the
blood of His people."
"I wish there were more true conversion, and then there
would not be so much backsliding, and, for fear of suffering, living at
ease, when there are so few to contend for Christ and His cause."
"I wish your increase in holiness, number, love, religion,
and righteousness; and wait you, and cease to contend with these men that
are gone from us, for there is nothing that shall convince them but judgment."
"It is long since I could have adventured on eternity,
through God's mercy and Christ's merits; but death remained somewhat terrible,
and that now is taken away; and now death is no more to me, but to cast
myself into my husband's arms, and to lie down with Him."
"It is near thirty years since He made it sure; and since
that time, though there has fallen out much sin, yet I was never out of
an assurance of mine interest, nor long out of sight of His presence."
"Now for my own case, I bless the Lord that, for all that
hath been said of me, my conscience doth not condemn me. I do not say I
am free of sin, but I am at peace with God through a slain Mediator; and
I believe that there is no salvation but only in Christ."
"Now I am near to the getting of my crown, which shall
be sure; for I bless the Lord, and desire all of you to bless Him that
He hath brought me here, and makes me triumph over devils, and men, and
sin: they shall wound me no more."
"This is the most joyful day that ever I saw in my pilgrimage on earth." Written by Donald Cargill
More Motivational Quotes:
At its core, most fear is fear of failure. Failure to conquer, failure to influence or persuade, failure to win the heart of another, failure to compete in the workplace, failure to adequately care for others, failure to appear competent and in charge. Count your blessings each night and end your day with thanks. Faster that any state of mind, gratitude can transform stress into success. It provides a mental rocket-ship ride to the next inspiring experience in your life. Thoughts don't start becoming things once you know this stuff, the Universe doesn't start applying its principles once you become enlightened. The game is under way. |
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