Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Mike Dooley :
"You're not beholden to life, life is beholden to you."
"You are truly the only mystery you ever have to contend
with and you're no mystery at all. Understand yourself and you'll
understand the universe."
"Thoughts don't start becoming things once you know this
stuff, the Universe doesn't start applying its principles once you become
enlightened. The game is under way."
"Thoughts become things!"
"If you look at any incident in your life as an isolated
incident, you're taking it out of context."
"We are perfect, not because we've reached a point but
because we're reaching."
"When you love the path, your dreamed of destination becomes
almost incidental and happiness becomes a daily affair."
"Be the shift. Stop waiting for it."
"This is life's ultimate test, to see without looking
to hear without listening, to know without going and to be without becoming."
"Always, just beyound our physical senses, the universe
churns with all its magic and miracles. It's not just sititing there
on idle, it's in the middle of orchestrating your life."
"Opportunity does not knock only once, it knocks every
single moment of every single day for every single one of us."
"Life is a spiritual game and it must be played spiritually
in order to win, the key is recognizing this even though our lives are
expressed physically."
"Its astounding how well things work when you stop resisting
or insisting."
"One day at a time, one hour at a time, or once minute
at a time is all that's necessary to begin the longest of journeys."
"Be creative and let loose, knowing all the while that
your thoughts of today are what paint the pictures of your tomorrow.
It's the law."
"Scrapbooks most certainly do not have to be just about
acquiring material things."
"We are eternal, we are timeless and so are our connections
with one another."
"Our work is how we create and contribute and it's how
we make the biggest difference with our lives."
"When you don't know what to do, don't do anything!
Wait. Wait until you do know because if you stay true to yourself,
eventually you will reach the point of knowing."
"By first demonstrating your compassion and appreciation, you become a partner and an ally, paving the way for convesations rather than conflicts." Written by Mike Dooley
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Consequently the student who is devoid of talent will derive no more profit from this work than barren soil from a treatise on agriculture. One of the most dynamic and significant changes you can make in your life is to make the commitment to drop all negative references to your past, to begin living now. Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement. | Motivation Stuff | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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