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Andre Kukla Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Andre Kukla
"Worry does nothing except make us miserable."
"There are no preliminaries to living. It starts
"The fact remains that when we act immorally, we feel
"Generally speaking, work simplifies itself with the passage
of time."
"Certainly, if we make a habit of always prepring ourselves
for the worst, we'll be working in vain far more often than we need."
"Instead of making ourselves perpetually gloomy by always
assuming the worst, we would do better to make no assumptions at all and
simply continue to live our life. If the worst happens, then we can
see how we'll get through it."
"Of all the circumstances in life, the time we least need
a plan for the future is when we're already occupied with a valuable activity."
"There are times when we're called upon to change our
course of action even though we are already usefully or pleasantly occupied."
"We won't stop to look at a sunset until we've finished
our work, and then it's too late."
"The forces that shape our destiny are infinitely complex."
"The commonest cause for procrastination is undoubtedly
a simple aversion for the new line of work."
"Since doing nothing causes us to procrastinate, it would
be wise to give up the habit altogether."
"Even automobiles need to be turned off and allowed to
"But it's a basic law of the mind that we can't consciously
attend to two things at once. Strictly speaking, attention is indivisible."
"The universe never asks more than one thing of us at
a time."
"In reality, there's never more than one thing to do.
Being too busy is always a trap."
"We must achieve professional success as soon as we can so that we may begin to enjoy status and security." Written by Andre Kukla
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Investment philosophy is important because it dictates how you should make decisions. But even a good investment philosophy will not help you unless you combine it with disciple and patience. Regardless of what happens in this world, this moment presents the timeless opportunity to experience priceless feelings of love and joy that we can experience through this human form. When you talk to yourself day in and day out, you are virtually brain washing yourself, which is problematic when you talk to yourself in ways that are unhelpful.
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