The reliance on goal setting never
stops. When your child grows up, they will be expected to apply a high
level of skills, problem solving, communication and increased knowledge
on the job. There will always be more complexity awaiting your child in
tomorrow's workplace and life.
It's your responsibility as parents to set goals for your children to prepare them for school, college and the workplace. The following are suggested parents goals for their children with some explanation for each that can be used in the development your children's lives. Goal for Positive Self-Image Start to set goals that build your child a positive self-image. Knowing that you are worthy does not mean you are perfect or that you are better than others. It just means that you recognize that you are a child of God and that your life has importance. Kid's and teens growing up need to understand about self-worth as they grow up and mature. Early on, we as parents and teachers must, by word and action tell our children that they have worth and keep repeating to them over and again. Children often derive their attitudes about self-worth from what we say about them and how we act toward them. The words that come from our own mouths and the actions resulting from our behaviors must be positive and nurturing. Always encourage your children at every opportunity so that they grow to have a positive self-image. Goal for Sense of Dependence One important parent goals for their children is that they must learn to be dependent upon God. Young kid's and teens must understand early on that into every life, sooner or later, will come situations so overpowering that only God can give solutions. These kinds of problems are going to surface and look like finances, health, spouse, children, family, and even work to name a few. "If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success." - Proverbs 3:4-6 The best way for children to learn the lesson of dependence is to see his or her parents model this truth. Goal for Recognize and Embrace Their Potential One necessary condition of parental and teaching employment is to give your children an awareness of their potential. Young kid's and teens are full of potential and it is of extreme importance that we help them to realize that. Having a good understanding of their potential and ability is only part of the job. They need to be thankful and thoughtful and be willing to exert the necessary self-discipline to develop and grow their abilities and opportunities. Tell your children that they have potential, that they can finish a task, that they have unique gifts just waiting to be uncovered and explored. They need to hear this from you because it is the truth. Potential is not to be wasted or squandered. It is to be nurtured and encouraged. Tell your children continuously that they can. Why, because they can! Goal for Hope Every children need to learn that there is always hope. Winners do not quit, they carry on in spite of obstacles because of their belief in themselves and their hope for a better future! Thinking hopelessness is demoralizing, empty, and lonely. It is also one of the worst diseases one can be inflicted with. It can take even the most gifted individual and make them frustrated, frightened, and unproductive. The greatest chance for a productive and prosperous future is to give your children an understanding of hope. Goal-oriented people are those who learn to live in hope because they are always moving toward an objective. Goal for Good Character It is an important parents goals for their children to teach them that having character is more important than being a character. There is no higher praise someone can give your child than to say they have good "character" This quality alone is essential to achieving personal success and fulfillment in life. Everything and that means EVERYTHING we do and say ultimately arises from and reveals our character. One of the greatest gift you can give to your children is a model character. Character inspires and is inspiring - strive to inspire! The suggested goals parents goals for their children listed above must become a part of your children's everyday thinking. People who live on purpose, developed by and through goal-directed behavior, have a greater chance of developing this type of mindset. It is thinking at this level that will help your child to be a high-achiever. |
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