What is Vitamin B17?
Vitamin B17 is very concentrated in foods that generally
no longer appear in the staple western diet. Millet bread, apple and
Diets have changed over the years. Today we have the junk diet, which in reality is no fitting diet at all, and some quite real and debilitating diseases are putting in an appearance as our bodies fight and lose the battle to acquire the basic vitamins and minerals they need to maintain health. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," was a ringing
truth in the past. This phrase has survived for centuries. Have we ever
B17 Laetrile/Amygdalin Tablets These tablets contain the active 817 ingredient derived
from the kernels of apricots. Usually available in 100mg or 500mg
- 2-4 100mg tablets per day as a nutritional supplement for prevention. - 4-6 500mg tablets per day as a nutritional supplement
for clinical cancer sufferers, taken in conjunction with enzymes
Apricot Seeds/Kernels Apricot kernels are an inexpensive, rich and natural source
of Vitamin B17. They also deliver the vitamins, minerals and
- 10 seeds per day for life are recommended by Dr Krebs
as a nutritional supplement for those exercising cancer
- 30-50 seeds per day are recommended by Dr Krebs as nutritional support for clinical cancer sufferers. In a minority of cases, cancer sufferers may experience
nausea when taking seeds. In this event, clinics recommend that
Not to be eaten whole. May be pulped, grated or crushed. Please note: Some cancer sufferers believe that apricot
kernels alone are all that is required to fight cancer. Consultation
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