Learning to breathe can make us feel good and healthy. Stressful lifestyle can cause breathing to become shallow, delivering less oxygen per breath to our organs and making us feel tired in the process. Learn to breathe correctly to boost energy levels while removing toxins and regulating blood pressure levels. Start by breathing slowly and deeply towards the diaphragm. To check if you are doing it right, place one hand on the chesst and the other on your stomach. The hand on the abdomen should rise more compared to the one on the chest while the lungs should not feel like they are bursting. Exhale slowly and repeat. A breathing exercise which you can do frequently to help you relax is called the 4-7-8 Exercise. Stand comfortably with your feet slightly apart or sit comfortably with your back straight. Inhale slowly over a count of four towardds the diaphragm, hold the breath for seven counts and slowly exhale over eight counts. This exercise might make you feel
lightheaded initially but practise for four breaths per rep and gradually
increase it over time.
Quotes for the day: "Indeed, your body has its own healing mechanisms.
Symptoms such as fever, for example, are actually important recovery processes
in the "how to be healthy" roadmap."
"Your lifestyle - how you live, eat, emote, and think
- determines your health. To prevent disease, you may have to change how
you live."
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