For a person well acquainted with life's ups and downs,
you will see a great number of people struggling in the current difficult
economic environment. I just wish to encourage you to know that no experience
in your life is too difficult to overcome and there are no defeat that
is permanent.
"You will always miss 100% of the shots you don't take."- Wayne Gretzky. Here, I serve as an example for both my good and bad experience of how to deal with difficulties in our lives with the power of attitude. I have seen it both through the good times and through the bad times. I think it is important to enjoy those times when life smiles upon us. I also believe that it is unrealistic for people to expect good times to last forever. No way! For most of us, life offers abundant opportunities for both laughter and tears. The good times you put in your pocket to savor. The hard times go to your heart and into your soul. As Michael Jordan would always say and I quote, "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed". My dear friend, you've got to decide to be relentless; you've got to decide to never give up when obstacles appear in front of your path. You've got to find deep inside your heart for some reasons within yourself that will give you the stamina - if life has caught you on the blind side - to get back up again and be prepare to do something that you are uncomfortable! You've got to be BOLD in putting yourself up for life success - you've got to believe in yourself that you are able to overcome any temporary difficulties. There's an old African proverb that says "If there's no enemy within, the enemy without can do us no harm." Your actual decision now matters the most. Often times we say to ourselves, "I CAN'T" is just our defense mechanism, a big lie we have often sold to ourselves many times in order to avoid getting hurt. Note this, anytime you try to run in the direction of your biggest FEARS, you will find an extraordinary life following. Now, it reminds me of an experience during my primary school days. I had this boy in my class. Most of us regarded him as a bully because each time he comes around anyone of our mates, he threatens to hit us. A day came after a long while of threats from him that I said I would never take such insults again. He came as usual to bully when I fiercely gave him the surprise of his life. From that day onwards, he ceased to bully any one of us. Yeah that was about my personal experience when I came out of my fear but how about the great philosopher Socrates? I may not have all the time in the world to narrate his story to you. I will only live you with his final word to a young man, if you dare seek knowledge like you desire air, you will find it running after you. A toast to your Greatness To Over Fear. --- Quotes for the day: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty
of their dreams."
"The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.
If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it.
Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in beauty, it will remain
with you all the days of your life."
"When anger rises, think of the consequences."
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