Did it ever occur to you are
providing a service to others to solve a problem?
Just take a look at how you earn your monthly salary. Just stop and give some thoughts to it, what solution have you provided for a problem. If you are in the child care career, people need somewhere for their kids to go daily while they went to work. You have just solved their problem! If you are a dog walker, there are people who need this service and pay you to have you walk their dog while they are at work because they do not have the time to spend on their pets. You have just solved another problem and that is golden tips for building wealth. If you found yourself struggling with money, take a good
look at what kind of problems are you solving.
There are a number of points that I would like to highlight to you if you would like to get paid more for your problem solving skills. Be Passionate Solve those problems you are passionate about. I used to solve problems that I really did not care about but now I am extremely passionate about what I am doing. The fantastic part is that people can tell and they are naturally drawn in. When you really love what you do, everything else just seems to fall into place. Solve Bigger Problems The larger the problems you solve, the more money you are going to make. If you willingly take on the bigger tasks, you will be rewarded financially. It just could land you first in line for that promotion you were hoping for or add a few percentage points to that raise you were up for. Solving More Problems If you are the go to guy or gal in the work place for problem solving, you will soon build a reputation. This reputation is going to end up in the right hands at the right time. Whether you are going to end up with more clients or bigger and more lucrative projects, the end result looks good. Be Selective About Problems Boundaries are very important when choosing problem to solve . Only take on those you want to take on. You know whom I am talking about, you do not want to be a yes man or woman to just everyone. There are ways to be strategic about what you take on. Do what you feels right. Do not let yourself get overwhelmed. If you put proper boundaries in place and you are passionate about the problems you solve, my guess is you are a very happy person. Keeping a good balance is imperative and those are the real powerful pointers towards achieving financial freedom. Today, take a good look and see where you can make some changes, who knows what might come of it towards the path of money making. |
Quotes for the day: "Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work
hard on yourself and you can make a fortune."
"A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping stone
to the optimist."
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how
we play the hand."
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