Invest with a Willingness to Give

Be Prepared to Fight and Be Invincible: The Wise Monarch of the Morton Nation

According to historical records, in the early years of the Han Dynasty, there was a powerful state in the north called Donghu, which often oppressed its neighbors. One day, the king of Donghu sent an envoy to a neighboring country named Morton, expressing his desire for the king of Morton’s prized thousand-mile steed, a legendary horse known as Thunderclap, renowned for its speed and endurance. The ministers of Morton were alarmed. This horse, a gift from the heavens, was a symbol of their nation's pride and strength. Yet, they knew their own country was not strong enough to compete with Donghu.

A wise king on a throne hands a majestic horse to an envoy. In the background, a peaceful kingdom is visible. Later, the same king leads an army in a surprise attack on an unprepared enemy kingdom.

The monarch of Morton, wise and composed, addressed his ministers, “We are neighbors with the Donghu Kingdom; how can we lose our peace for the sake of a horse? Just give it to them.” Reluctantly, his attendants handed the precious steed to the envoy, who returned to Donghu triumphantly.

However, the demands did not stop there. Sometime later, Donghu sent another envoy with an even more outrageous request: their king had heard the queen of Morton was extraordinarily beautiful, and he demanded she be sent to him. The subjects of Morton were furious. How could they agree to such an unreasonable demand? They pleaded with their monarch to kill the envoy and wage war against Donghu. Yet again, the monarch of Morton shook his head, “Since the monarch of Donghu desires my queen, I will give her to him. How can we offend a neighbor for the sake of a woman?” Thus, the envoy returned to Donghu with the queen of Morton.

Believing the king of Morton to be cowardly and submissive, the king of Donghu grew overconfident and lowered his guard. He sent yet another envoy to Morton, demanding the monarch cede hundreds of miles of fertile borderlands to Donghu.

This time, the monarch of Morton’s patience reached its limit. Upon receiving the letter, his ministers were divided; some suggested compliance, while others vehemently opposed it. The monarch, eyes blazing with determination, declared, “The land is the foundation of our state; how can it be easily given away? This is intolerable!” He ordered the execution of the Donghu envoys and immediately marshaled his forces for war.

The Morton army, driven by righteous fury and led by their astute king, launched a surprise attack on Donghu. The Donghu forces, unprepared and overconfident, were swiftly and utterly defeated. The king of Morton himself led the charge into the heart of Donghu, storming the palace, slaying the arrogant monarch, and bringing an end to their tyranny.

Investment Lecture Hall: Invest with a Willingness to Give

The monarch of Morton teaches us a valuable lesson: “If you want to take, you must first give.” If we desire something, we must be willing to offer something in return. The monarch of Morton sought to conquer Donghu by first complying with their demands, lulling them into complacency, and then striking decisively when the time was right.

Similarly, for a business to succeed in economic activities, early investment is crucial. Savvy businesses do not expect high returns from their initial investments. Instead, they stimulate interest and consumption through concessions, promotions, and other strategies to build brand awareness. By delivering genuine quality, they win the favor of consumers, leading to sustainable profitability.

Investors must understand that to achieve returns, they must first know how to give. Giving is essential for acquiring wealth. Only those who have prepared and invested in opportunities beforehand will be ready to seize them when they arise. This principle underscores that returns come only after an initial investment.

Many people hesitate to invest, fearing failure and financial loss, yet they still dream of wealth, luxury cars, and beautiful homes. Without investment, there can be no reward. By mastering investment and financial management methods and taking calculated risks, individuals can achieve unexpected gains.

Wealth Conscious

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