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Rachel Henke Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Rachel Henke:
"Mistakes are part of learning and growing so jump right
in and get started. I've made tons of mistakes along the way and
I'm sure without those multiple mistakes I wouldn't have acquired the expertise
that I now have."
"If you're not 100% clear on your purpose, take some time
to sit somewhere peaceful and just put the question out there. Ask
your subconscious, the universe or whatever divine power you trust, to
provide you with some direction on your life purpose. If you find
this suggestion alien, talk it over with someone you trust and admire instead."
"If you sow increase, by which I mean add value, everywhere
you go it won't be too long before you start attracting more of what you
"Repetition is the fast track to mastering anything quickly."
"When will you go for your dreams? If you’re kidding yourself
that you’ll do it next year then stop it. This is the year to make it happen.
Don’t delay any longer – you can start part-time."
"Getting it done at your own pace is more important than
how long it takes because this foundation will create the platform for
everything you do in your business from now on, if you do it right."
"Discovering your purpose and passion doesn’t have to
be an elusive dream that you’ll follow when you’re 60. "
"So what it comes down to is looking closely at your skills
and talents. Yes – you have those too. Sometimes you need to dig deep,
but there they are, waiting to be discovered."
"If you’re not happy and fulfilled most of the time then
the chances are that you are probably not aligned with your purpose."
"Don’t use not yet knowing your purpose as an excuse not
to take action. It will fall into place for you as you take the first steps."
"It is critical for your success mindset that you become
very clear and committed to what you’re doing."
"It is essential that you begin with the right mindset
and understand that to create a successful business it takes consistency
and long term vision."
"When mapping out your big vision, don’t get caught up
in the how. Just outline how you want it to look for now and remember you
can improve upon this as your understanding deepens."
"In your plan, be as specific as you can."
"The chances are you went with whatever subject you were
good at in school and somehow cobbled together a career option that made
sense. It’s ok, but not very inspiring is it?"
"By taking the time to do your research, you’ll be rewarded
by many ‘light bulb’ moments and you’ll gain clarity that will empower
you to take big leaps because you’ll see clearly where you are going."
"Working out your ‘niche’ can be a bit overwhelming and sometimes you will need to be patient with yourself as you figure it out." Written by Rachel Henke
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Don't be a wishful thinker. Don't waste your mental muscles dreaming of an effortless way to win success. We don't become successful simply through luck. Every young man should have a hobby to occupy his leisure hours, something useful to which he can turn with delight. It might be in line with his work or otherwise, only his heart must be in it. Desire connects you with the thing desired and expectation draws it into your life. Expect the things you want, and don't expect the things you don't want. What you expect now?
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