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Peter Hawkins Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Peter Hawkins
"If you don't take control of your life, who will?"
"In order to make a change that lasts, the crucial thing
you must understand is that you control those switches - the way you set
those defaults sets your mindset."
"Clearly, it's not life's events but the way you respond
to them that shapes your future."
"The key to changing the habits of a lifetime is to be
aware of them in the first place."
"To create a new habit, you'll probably need to break
an old one first. Put your energy into those things that are either
out of your control or are not actually true."
"Be grateful and appreciative for what you have got and
can achieve and use this to help minimise the worry and anxiety about what
you cannot change."
"In order to know who you are and who you want to be,
it's important to think about who you spend time with - is it the HAVE's,
the DOs or BEs? Then ask yourself, which of these would you honestly
prefer to be around?"
"Challenge yourself today to play the important rather
than the urgent roles in life. We all have choices, but it is the
decisions you make that will determine your happiness and ensure you have
No Regrets on Sunday."
"One of the key factors influencing the quality of the
roles we play is whether they make full use of the skills we love using
and are good at."
"Remind yourself that in the end it is up to you and you
do have choices if you manage your time correctly."
"Enjoying the simple things in life is often what gives
us the greatest pleasure."
"Time is a great healer and when the time is right, our
pain will be transformed into personal growth."
"Life is too short to spend it being miserable.
Now it the time to get out of the routine of wishing your week away.
Discard old habits and start to learn and use new approaches that will
leave you with no regrets on Sunday."
"Be grateful for what is worthwhile in your life and enjoy
the simplest pleasures that are close to your heart."
"The clearer you can picture what you want, the quicker
you'll get there. If you're crystal clear on what you want and careful
what you wish for, you may well get it!"
"Dare to dream, but keep your feet firmly on the ground."
"The simple difference between dreams and nightmares, worry and hope, fear and optimism, is the way in which we choose to use our imagination." Written by Peter Hawkins
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Change takes time, after all you have carried this motto around for along time and it is well engrained. But stick with it - at the very least you will feel a sense of achievement that you have started! Never try to be better than somebody else, but never cease trying to be the best you can be. You have control over that. Not the other. In other words, you control your own effort, but you can't control what other people do. Effort is one of the things that gives meaning to life. Effort means you care about something, that something is important to you and you are willing to work for it. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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