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Nicola Cook Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Nicola Cook
"Success in all areas of life is 80 per cent about having
the right psychology and 20 per cent about having the right skills and
"You simply need to stay focused on your long-term goals
while committing to smaller sustainable changes in your behaviour on a
day-to-day basis."
"Make a wish by deciding on what you want, rather than
how you are going to acquire it."
"Every journey starts by defining your staring point."
"You are defined not by your circumstances, but by how
you lead your life."
"Once you've identified what needs to change in your life,
it's time to think about how to make the change happen."
"If you always live your life in this way, you are always
going to be at the mercy of the events around you."
"Within us all lies an extremely powerful force: the desire
to fulfill our emotional needs."
"Everything we feel creates results, just not always the
results we had hoped for."
"To improve any area of your life, then, you need to change
your behaviour and to do that you must first change your emotions - how
you feel - and how you fulfill your emotional needs."
"Nobody forces you to feel or do anything. You have
the power to choose how you respond to any given stimulus in your life
and in your world."
"When you allow yourself to get stuck in a disempowering
behaviour or negative emotion the main person affect is YOU!"
"Emotions drive behaviour, which in turn leads to your
experience of life."
"Regain your power by taking full ownership of everything
you feel."
"Until you rediscover your authenticity you will never
be truly fulfilled."
"Life should be easy and flow effortlessly. The
water in a river flows downstream to the sea. Should any obstacles
fall across its path, the water flow around or over, consistenly moving
onwards in its purposeful direction."
"The trick to leading an authentic life is to use your talents and skills to your advantage and receive the appropriate rewards." Written by Nicola Cook
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Just as a wave keeps the same form for hundreds of miles and builds and builds and builds and builds and builds...so, too, you build and progress in knowledge. There is a world of differences between living life in a way that you conciously choose, and simply reacting to the tasks, and events that come your way. The truth is that the universe is made up of possibilty, and through our conscious and deliberate observation we have the power to make the universe choose specific possibilities out of all those available and amplify them into reality. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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