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Lynn Williams Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Lynn Williams:
"Positive thinkers give much more of their time and attention
to what is positive than to what is negative."
"Positive thinkers don't become that way by burying their
heads in the sand and pretending that everything is sunshine and roses;
they use specific life skills to determinedly take charge of their lives."
"Retaining a positive outlook is relatively simple when
you can focus on what's important to you, direct your energy into developing
your skills and talents, know your wants and preferences will be met, and
make long-term plans that take your values and priorities into account."
"When you have a strong, clear overview of your direction,
you can relate your actions to an end purpose rather than just undertaking
a series of meaningless tasks."
"With a definite sense of where you want to go, you can
be flexible and creative about how you get there. Knowing clearly
what you are aiming for allows you to recognise and make use of any opportunities
that come your way."
"Optimistic thinkers are usually positive people because
they approach life with the expectation that a happy outcome is both desirable
and possible."
"Optimists look at their lives in terms of success rather
than setbacks. They focus on what they have achieved, however little,
rather than dwelling on what might have been and where they have failed."
"You need to focus on your successes and acknowledge and
enjoy them, and minimise your failures, putting them into perspective."
"When you know what the negative aspects are, having already
found out the positive and the interesting ones, don't just dwell on them,
work out what went wrong and decide how you will do things differently
in the future. Look for solutions."
"The biggest threat to energy is stress. A little
of it can add a bit of spice of life; too much is a major problem."
"Knowing that you can meet the challenge and deal with
stress is more positive than living in fear of it."
"Adopting the habit of taking a little regular exercise
will pay big dividends in terms of fitness. It's surprising just
how little is required for basic health."
"Accept that everybody, including you makes mistakes.
Looking at them in a positive light and learning from them puts you in
a stronger, more positive position than just trying to avoid any situation
where you might make mistakes in future."
"Failure is not the end of the world."
"While it is tempting to seek comfort and certainty, we
need some challenge in order to test our own strength and realise our own
"Thinking about yourself positively and generously helps
you to work with your character and develop your potential."
"Indecision is often linked to a lack of purpose. If you have no clear direction and little sense of what you want your future to be, then making decisions can be very hard." Written by Lynn Williams
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The more you are aware of and comfortable with your own strength and weakness, the more confident you become and the more effectively you can influence people. To relinquish our sense of conscious control is difficult. It requires trust - that what will happen to us in our seemingly vulnerable state of self-surrender will be for the best, even if it looks doubtful at the time. Our motivation depends on our overall perceptions of ourselvesand our capabilities, and these are reflected in those ideas that dominate our thinking. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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