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Julia Cameron Quotes

"Self-expression is something that does not —and should not—ever stop. Each of us is creative. Each of us has something unique to bring to the world."

"Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy—pure, creative energy."

"All of us carry wounds; some severe, some less so. Some may have suffered harsh blows as a child. Others carry wounds acquired in adulthood. By writing, we quite literally “right” the wrongs we have encountered."

"As much effort as it might seem to take to get up and go out and do it, the hour is likely to be very memorable."

"A habit of daily walks becomes a habit of daily health. Twenty minutes is long enough, although many people find themselves walking longer."

"As you become open to revisiting your life, your life will become open to revisiting you."

"It’s never too late to be a beginner."

"I was amazed at the level of excitement and adventure I felt trying the simplest things."

"Small steps lead to larger ones. And the next step is always within your grasp."

"Each tiny change empowers you as you act on your authentic interests. Each small change prepares the path for you to make larger changes in a life that you are free to build to your own unique design."

"Letting go of that which you do not cherish—and bidding farewell to that which no longer serves you—leaves room for you to live in the day. Living in the day, you release the past, and open yourself to the potential of tomorrow."

"It is a terrifying thought to believe we have no ideas, and it is, in fact, never true."

"Setting time for work, time for prayer, and time for relaxation yields a rewarding, fulfilling, and productive life."

"As we search for a sense of purpose in retirement, we do well to get in touch with the small things that matter to us. Many times, the larger answers that feel elusive are actually closer than we think, present before us in many small clues."

"One of the most empowering things we can do is know—and own—our opinions."

"Self-doubt is a formidable foe, because when we doubt ourselves, we have only ourselves to fight back against."

"There is no such thing as a time that is “too late” to begin a creative endeavor."

Quotes of wisdom by Julia Cameron
It's Never Too Late to Begin Again

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