Charles C. Lever Quotes

Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by Charles C. Lever :

"It's an eternal truth that the walls of adversity in life confront both the wise and the foolish, the learned and the unlearned, the rich and the poor, the young and the old and those of every race, creed and color."

"The difference between trees and people is that trees can't choose how they will grow.  People can."

"It's when we go the extra mile, when we keep trying to scale the wall no matter how hard the going, that we become the very best that we can be."

"The man or woman who has no vision is like the house built upon sand.  When the waters of life come, that individual will be all washed out.  But for the individual who has vision, the water can be held back, avoided, or overcome and as a result, greater things will follow."

"When you think about it, that's is really what action is all about - getting up and getting it yourself."

"Vision enables transformation to occur in life.  As a result, we're able to transcend the way things are in order that we might see them as they can become."

"The key to life is learning to cope with your problems and growing from them as opposed to avoiding them."

"A lot has changed since the days of the Bible, but human struggles will always be with us, no matter how much 'progress' we make."

"Although we would rather travel through life without experiencing adversity, it does in a very real way shape us into the individuals that we become."

"Many individuals remain on the sidelines of life until they feel that they are needed, and then they spring into action.  That is the way heroes are born."

"This simple anecdote confirms a profound principle: If on the one hand, we seek to withdraw from adversity, we will lack confidence and fail to grow and mature.  On the other hand, when we confront adversity head on, we gain confidence and succeed in moving ahead in life."

"The key to conquering complacency is to work on yourself, not others.  It's a lot easier to change your own behavior than it is change other people's behavior, that's for sure!"

"You and I are going to have problems for a long time, my friend, so we might as well get used to it!"

"When you have a big, clear vision, you don't see the walls in your life as impasses.  You see them as 'gates' that have to be negotiated so you can stay on course."

"That's is why visions are so important - when we have a strong vision, we can visualize in our minds the light at the end of the tunnel long before we see the actual light.  A strong vision keep us moving forward in the darkness because we know it's just a matter of time before we arrive at our goal."

Written by Famous Author : Charles C. Lever

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