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Barbara Stanny Quotes
"I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings
I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve."
"When you treat your money with the reverence and respect
it deserves, it will shower endless blessings upon you, allowing
"Seeds were being planted that, given time, would sprout into a new body of work." "When we demonstrate our power, no one can tell us what can’t be done." "“The path to my success was never about attaining incredible
wealth or celebrity,” media mogul Oprah Winfrey admitted. “It
"Essentially, our fear of power is our fear of becoming who we really are." "Money is not an end, but serves as a means to an end, a tool for creating a meaningful life." "It is my belief that, as you courageously step into your authentic power, letting your light shine despite your trepidation, you will inspire countless others—male and female—to do the same." "There’s no better way to limit our power than by lowering
our earning potential or by mishandling, neglecting, or ignoring
"The definition of Sacred Success: pursuing your Soul’s purpose for your own bliss and the benefit of others, while being richly rewarded." "The more willing you are to empty your cup of preconceived
beliefs and assumptions, the greater are your chances of
"Rules are important. They create order, stability, and safety. All of us live by rules, personal and societal. Some of them are obvious. Others may be unconscious. As children, we discovered our limits by testing the rules. And we all know what happened when we broke the rules. We got punished." "Reclaiming your power often requires a dramatic shift
in your state of mind, potentially reversing generations of cultural
"Where you are right now in your life, whatever is going on, is perfect. Where and how far you go next depends on how much you’re willing to release and what you’re willing to receive." "Greatness is far from selfish. Greatness simply means living your truth, sharing your gifts." "We don’t need to be or do anything remarkable or extraordinary.
We just need to pay attention to our Soul calling us to live
"As I learned long ago, we stop being a victim the moment we take responsibility. And responsibility, in the context of Sacred Success, is the ability to respond in healthy ways, (as opposed to using manipulation or control) to get what you REALLY want." Contributed by Barbara Stanny
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The Law of Gradual Change focuses on the fact that we have only a limited amount of time today to make a positive impact in both our own and other people’s lives. Winners take responsibility for their results by taking responsibility for their thoughts. Winners see thoughts like seeds and their minds like fertile soil. Being mentally strong isn’t about acting tough. You don’t have to become a robot or appear to have a tough exterior when you’re mentally strong. Instead, it’s about acting according to your values. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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