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Arjuna Ardagh Quotes
Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by
Arjuna Ardagh :
"Practice is the bridge between your unmanifest potential
and your manifest capacity to give."
"When we are willing to exchange our life of preoccupation
with 'me' and 'my needs' for a life given in the service of love itself,
of that presence itself, we are faced with an interesting paradox."
"But meditation is not only a technique that you learn,
it is also a disposition, a way of being with yourself and with life, which
you can return to at any time."
"When you become friendly and comfortable with darkness,
something very deep in you can relax and fear dissolves."
"Understanding is the basis for changes in action.
It is necessary if one wants to learn to make more money, to improve health
and to make things in the physical world work more efficiently."
"The simplest way to restore conscious presence to any
activity is to slow it down to a quarter of the usual speed."
"A dolphin or an eagle lives in a psychological present,
where there is one thing to do or nothing to do."
"If you rise very early and get your tasks done before
the rest of the world is stirring, a shift that allows deep rest will happen
in your brain. In the clarity of the hours, before the world stirs,
you will surprise yourself with how easy things become."
"Remember, whenever you let go of the old, sit with yourself
for a while afterward and enjoy the space. Enjoy the taste of freedom."
"Only thoughts run into past and future."
"The body is a miracle. That it breathes on its
own, that it pumps blood inside itself, that it digests food by itself,
are all miracles. The body is matter energized by a mystery that
defies our undestanding: the miracle of life."
"A relaxed body is the natural temple for relaxed and
natural consciousness: free, limitless and experiencing spontaneous Oneness
with all that it encounters."
"Small children and animals live like this. They
expend energy with totality, and then they stop completely. It is
because there is no mind interfering."
"Yawning brings fresh oxygen into the body cells, including
the eyes and the brain."
"Hunger optimizes your brain for alertness."
"Awareness of the breath and breathing consciously is
the basis of all yoga practices. It reduces stress and anxiety, brings
fresh oxygen to the blood and restores us to fully feeling what we are
experiencing and to being in the present moments. It is so simple
and it can be done anywhere at any time."
"Fear is created in the mind. You are almost never afraid of something that is real and here now: our fears are always of what might happen later. The only way to be free of fear is to face it completely, to use taunting of the stories in the mind to take you into the essence of fear itself. There is nothing to fear but fear itself." Written by Arjuna Ardagh
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Optimism helps people see beyong the immediate road-block to a potentially positive future, whereas perssimists see only more roadblocks, problems and failures. In the spiritual life every person is his or her own discoverer, and you need not grieve if your discoveries are not believed in by others. It is your business to push on find more and increase individual happiness. Don't expect anyone to help you. Just take one big brace, make firm resolutions, and resolve to conquer your weakness and vices. Really none can do this for you. They can encourage you, that is all. | Motivation Stuff | | Author Quotations By Names | All the site contents are Copyright © www.motivationstuff.com
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