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Apurva Chamaria and Gaurav Kakkar Quotes - You Are The Key
"Listening is the biggest tool for starting a conversation."
"Change is never easy. However, the only constant in the world is change." "You obviously want to connect with those who matter, because it is by networking with them that you can effectively engage with them and explore business opportunities." "Everywhere you go, your reputation precedes you." "Even though people believe that there are two distinct realities – the virtual and the real world, and that the real matters more than the other, the truth is that the two are always in sync. Or rather, that they should be in sync!" "Your perception of your own self and how people know you is the beginning of personal branding." "We all have something unique to contribute to the world, and being authentic helps you present it better to the world." "When online, ask questions, state your opinion, recognise people who have helped you, help others, show passion, and last but not least, never deviate from your own unique voice." "A crucial thing to remember here though is that your persona should incorporate aspects of your real-life personality too. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!" "Everyone likes a confidante every now and then. Everyone
needs someone who they can speak to without inhibitions, and
"To build a credible, authentic social media persona, is to establish oneself as someone with authority on your area of work." "Remember, humans are social beings and the whole idea of a social network is to remain social." "Self-publishing is a great start to build a personal brand. There is nothing more effective than a personal website or a blog to display thought leadership and personal brand." "A picture is worth a thousand words." "If you are a subject matter expert, then the best way to display your skillset is by creating original videos where you share tips, tricks and advice." "Blogging isn’t about being a great writer, it’s about
expressing your own thought and opinion on either a specific
"So don’t worry about you not being much of a writer; if there is any topic that you’d like to say anything about, goes ahead!" Quotes of wisdom by Apurva Chamaria and Gaurav Kakkar
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