The Law of Unworthiness

The Law of Not Worthy: Don’t Do What Is Not Worth Doing

Leonard Bernstein, a world-renowned conductor, was most passionate about composing. As a young man, he studied composition with Aaron Copland, one of the United States’ most celebrated composers and music theorists, while honing his conducting skills. Bernstein’s talent was undeniable; he composed a series of extraordinary works and almost became a master composer on the American continent. However, just as his compositions were gaining momentum, the conductor of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra discovered his conducting talent and strongly recommended him as the permanent conductor. Bernstein’s career soared, and for nearly 30 years, he became synonymous with the New York Philharmonic.

Yet, deep down, Bernstein’s true passion lay in composing. In his spare time, he would retreat to his home to create music. Despite the frequent urge to compose, inspiration and energy often eluded him, leaving him with moments of deep disappointment and distress. His creativity seemed to dry up all at once. "I like to create, but I’m a conductor," he often lamented, grappling with the contradiction that tormented him. When he received applause and flowers on stage, who could understand the pain and regret hidden in his heart?

Bernstein was brilliant but not wholly successful, as he spent much of his life in distress and contradiction, ultimately passing away with profound regret. His story reminds us: "Choose what you love, love what you choose." Only by doing so can we ignite our passion and find peace. This is the personal lesson from the law of unworthiness: don’t do what is not worth doing; do what is worth doing.

Comments: Do what you think and enjoy what you do.

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