Advantages of A Simple Life

The Tale of Two Houses

Once upon a time in a bustling town, there lived two men who each decided to build a house. The first man, known for his flair for aesthetics, poured all his savings and borrowings into creating a stunningly beautiful house. No one who looked at it could help but marvel at its splendor. Every corner was adorned with intricate decorations, and its exterior gleamed with elegance. The foundation and structure, however, were another story. In his pursuit of beauty, he had compromised on the basic elements required for a strong, lasting house.

Across the town lived the second man, a practical soul who believed in the strength and simplicity of things. He invested most of his funds into building a sturdy, robust house. From the outside, it appeared simple, almost plain, and most people would pass by without a second glance. Yet, he was content with his creation.

Years went by, and the passage of time began to tell its tale.

The first house, once the jewel of the neighborhood, started to lose its luster. The owner found himself spending more and more on maintaining its external beauty, and the need for repairs became constant. The structure had weakened, and the occupants lived with the ever-present risk of its instability. The house no longer attracted admiring glances. Trends had shifted, and the family found themselves reminiscing about the days when their home was the talk of the town, feeling a deep sense of loss and nostalgia.

Meanwhile, the second house stood as steadfast as the day it was built. Its simple, sturdy design had not aged. It was still cozy and livable, providing a safe haven for its occupants. No one stopped to admire it, but neither did it require any major repairs. The family lived quietly, contentedly, never seeking the validation of others.

The two houses served as a poignant reminder of the virtues of simplicity.

In a world that often values external appearances, the simple house demonstrated the strength that comes from focusing on what truly matters. A simple life might lack the excitement and approval of the external world, but it builds internal strength, stability, and peace. It steers one away from weakening habits such as:

  • Relying on others to judge your worth.
  • Becoming addicted to luxuries to feel good about life.
  • Developing a constant urge or greed for more.
  • Disregarding one's privileges.
  • Struggling to adjust to life's ups and downs.
Living simply makes one internally strong. It’s about living by your own rules and not by what you can do with your resources or borrowings to please others.

The second man had his own set of principles for simple living:

  • He would quit any materialistic object for a significant time if it started to occupy his mind constantly, and he would continuously appreciate himself for this discipline.
  • He kept only a limited number of possessions, ensuring nothing went to waste or remained unused. Simultaneously, he had the habit of giving away possessions to those in greater need.
  • He welcomed negative judgment from others for not adhering to their standards of wealth, as this helped him eliminate unnecessary clutter from his life.
  • He practiced fasting and deliberately delayed acquiring things he wanted, even if he could easily afford them. This habit of delaying gratification became a source of immense inner strength.
  • He did not let his belongings or physical appearance represent him. His personality, self-respect, and humility were his true representatives, and he did not believe in changing himself to impress others.
In the end, the tale of the two houses is a lesson in the enduring strength and serenity found in simplicity, proving that true contentment comes from within.

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