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Dr Pam Spurr Quotes

Hope you enjoy the following quotes written by Dr Pam Spurr :

"But making the right changes and adopting the right attitudes isn't like a magic wand that you wave and suddenly you find that your life is happier."

"Happiness is contagious - research shows you're 30 times more likely to feel happy in public than when you're on your own!"

"Regardless of your upbringing, you have the power to choose to find happiness."

"We are not slaves to our childhoods, but it's important to understand how the echoes from our childhoods reach forward throughout our lives - sometimes in the most profound ways."

"The brave and courageous make the first move.  You can be a brave and courageous human."

"An important part of liking yourself is to accept yourself.  The more you like yourself, accept the person you are, challenge yourself where appropriate, and use your happiness filter, the more you will begin to love yourself."

"Part of the fun of being with others is the wide varity of things people might want to do."

"When in a situation where you need to make a decision, or face down a problem, increase your feelings of being in control of the situation by breaking it down into managable pieces."

"You're a firm believer that your destiny in not in the hands of external pressures like the power of chance and fate."

"Take control of your life and you give yourself every opportunity to find what makes you happy."

"It's important to cherish who you are - your unique self."

"Express a point of view each day - even over something small - and start building your self-knowledge and self-belief."

"We don't really need lottery winners to teach us the lesson that material things and money aren't the route to happiness."

"An important point was made in a report that simply having a new experience was claimed to stimulate happy feelings in people over and above material wealth."

"To be human is to have experienced hurt."

"We as humans have a terrific capacity for coping with difficult and changing conditions, and the challenges and hurdles of life."

"Switch your worrying thoughts off and instead think about possible solutions and soothing thoughts that it'll be OK."

Written by Dr Pam Spurr
How to Be a Happy Human: 10 Essential Principles to Change Your Life

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