Healthy Food choices During Childhood

As the child parents, you can help your kids eat better and make it fun at the same time for them. The following are some good hints to increase your child's interest in selecting healthy foods.

Involve your Kids During Grocery Shopping

At the fruits or vegetables section, empowered your kids to pick out a new fruit or vegetable to try. Young kids are more interested in trying new foods when they get to pick them out themselves.

Preparing Meals Together

Let your child be part of the food preparation. It does not matter whether they mix something in a bowl or pour a sauce.  They will be happier to eat and try new foods when they played a part in the preparation process.

Incorporating Fun foods

Kids are often drawn to foods that have different shapes and bright colors. There are many types of fruits that can fall into this category such as kiwi or star fruit. You can also think creative! Instead of handing your child a whole original orange, break it up into pieces and make a smiley face on the plate. You would be very amazed what simple creativity can do to your kids.

Making desserts Healthy

You can still have dessert and make it healthy to eat too. Instead of depending on those store bought cookies and candy (which provide minimal nutrients), try dipping fresh strawberries in chocolate sauce, a fruit smoothie, or a berry cobbler. Although these choices may have some sugar on it, but you are also adding nutrients at the same time. Just remember that everything is healthy in moderation.

When your Kids Wants Candy

Eating candy is a once in a while treat. Try by using one ounce of trail mix with a few m&m's instead of a whole candy bar.

Be a role model for your kids. If you are a parent who enjoy physical activity and eat healthy, your children will likely to follow and do the same. Encouraging physical activity and healthy food choices during their childhood will help build these good habits for a lifetime.

Relevant Reading:
Motivated Minds: Raising Children to Love Learning By Deborah Stipek Ph.D. and Kathy Seal

Kids Motivation

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